Disorderly Conduct / D1SCO

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

putting the FUN back in dysFUNction one victim at a time!*


*due to unforeseeable circumstances, victims could will likely include fellow Org mates.

**Yes, innocent bystanders are typically injured during the making of our videos


Disorderly Conduct is made up of an eclectic group of gamers. Guys, Gals, a few twenty somethings, a few 30 somethings, and a bunch of older players. Some just recently joined the Verse, while some of us have been around since near the beginning.

We cover all aspects of the game; from piloting, cargo, mining, salvage, FPS, you name it. Our goal is to have fun and enjoy the people we play with.

Older gamers will feel right at home.


Exploration —— Espionage —— Trading

Disorderly Conduct is an organization focused first and foremost on respect. Our founding members cover multiple generations, ethnicities, genders, etc… It is an open minded Org that is looking for mature players focused on having fun and enjoying everything this Alpha/Game has to offer. While we hope to grow into a large organization as time progresses, our first focus is finding quality members.

This will never be a second job. If we do it right, you’ll want to come here. We won’t need to drag you kicking and screaming….well, not all of you. Being chaotic neutral we focus primarily on having fun and doing what ever the hell we want. We’re not out to grief new players, although it might happen on accident as collateral damage from one of our many ‘Hold my beer’ moments, we rather enjoy bullying the bullies, and finding new ways to get into & out of trouble. Don’t ask about our success rate, not because we fail a lot, but because we just don’t care to track it. For us, it’s more about the journey and less about the destination.

Positions to fill

Council, Trainers,Engineers,Support Staff, Gunners, Financier, Exploration Lead, Shadow Ops, Science Director, Territorial Administrator, & a Social Media Content Director just to name a few.

We will decide on unique positional titles, sub-groups as needed, and specific roles as we grow and the game features expand.

We are looking for all players; casual, regular, or even hardcore. We are primarily a U.S. based Org. Whether you just started S.C. today or you have been onboard from the start, all are welcome that are willing to learn, socialize, and your expectations for the game are matched by your own individual effort you’re willing to put into it. Younger players will likely not find this Org to be a fit as we are mostly older players that outgrew frat humor decades ago.

Discord is a must for all Org events. Without communication, only chaos reigns.

Things that are discouraged, or disallowed;

Racism/Sexism/Bigots – We will not tolerate racism in any form, Jokes, jest, accidental outburst, anything. There’s no place for it, especially not here. That goes for sexism, elitism, or just plain being a jerk as well. We’re here to have fun.

Discussions involving race, religion, or politics are strongly advised against. Coming from around the world, different cultures, etc., conversations in these sensitive areas typically lead to arguments or people getting upset or offended, so just avoid them.

Drama. Every Org finds a drama queen/king. Anyone fitting this bill will quickly find themselves with the opportunity to find a new Org. It only takes one person to ruin the play time of many. Please do not be that person.

Cheating. Any player found cheating will be immediately removed and reported.

Lastly, remember you represent this Org in all your actions. Acting like a jerk in chat. or the game, has a negative impact on recruiting and what this Org stands for.

If you’re looking for a community to help you learn the game, somewhere to have an impact, or just have a great time with some unique players (some certifiably crazy), Join Now!

If you have any questions, please fell free to reach out to any of the following in-game; Turc, Dristal, Drakefellow, xFROSTYx, or Steelbard.

Combat Ops —— Group Events —— Bounty Hunting


We will constantly strive to provide a fun, cooperative environment in which to enjoy this game.

Expect nothing more out of our members than we ourselves are not willing to do as leaders.

Act in an honorable manner at all times in order to earn our members trust and respect (this does not always apply in-game where random debauchery is completely allowed, and encouraged).

Create a cooperative community willing to ensure no member is left behind or in need that are unable to help themselves.

Provide the resources or guidance to make the Star Citizen experience as fun as possible for all of our members.

Offer an environment that helps open all the game has to offer to all members.