Icosahedron Legion / D20L

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Roll the dice to see if I’m getting drunk! This is the group of roleplayers and gameplayers who play Star Citizen. We are not roleplaying this particular game, but drunk-playing is probably unavoidable. This group is about playing, and playing well, while remembering we’re here for fun.


Icosahedron Legion is a small gaming and social organization, with players of all different styles, schedules and skill levels. Our group comes from a wide range of gaming backgrounds. We have people who will be playing casually, hardcore and everywhere in between. Whatever you’re interested in doing, I guarantee there’s someone in here itching to do the same thing. Toss us an application. We don’t bite… unless you ask us to.

Disclaimer: We joke around a lot, and often sound like a game of Cards Against Humanity. We’re not really awful people, we just laugh at things that make us awful people.


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