Welcome! Need some cargo hauled? VIPs transferred? Bounty collected? We will take care of it. We make sure your contract is secure with us.
We bring a unique combination of expertise and firepower on every contract
“Doors and Corners, kid. That’s where they get you. Check your doors and corners.”
Founded in the UEE Navy, and looking for a better way to serve the public, DAC2950 was formed by former UEE Navy soldiers as well as expert pilots. Bringing to bear less than reputable reputations, as well as some members with experience in government politics, the partners of DAC2950 set out to build a company that will make exploration, security, bounty hunting, mining and cargo hauling reputable without all of the red tape.
Funded by the partnership, DAC was officially formed in 2950 prior to the election, and has been making waves in the Stanton system. Criminals fear running across a DAC warship, transport vessels gladly pay top dollar, and companies looking to expand know the excellent reputation of DAC will secure their future.
Doors and Corners (DAC2950) is a corporation created by select individuals to serve the needs of the public at a reasonable rate.
DAC2950 serves the public in a way that the UEE Navy can’t due to guidelines and restrictions.
DAC2950 serves companies with exploration and cargo needs the way that larger orgs cannot due to tariffs and embargos
DAC2950 serves the universe like no other.
We believe in the freedom and security of each system and the ability to operate autonomously. We believe entities should be free to hire help where ever and whenever they need it. That help should be the best money can buy.
Using our skills and technology, we serve the greater good of the universe by negotiations, firepower, or sheer will. No matter what, we will get the job done.
Members must:
1. Be at least 18 years of age at the time of recruitment.
2. Be a law abiding citizen within the UEE space of operation.
3. Provide the basics of their own transport and personal needs for food, water, weapons, armor.
4. Agree to provide what service/role the organization needs for each job.
5. Agree to the terms of the org and each job to remain in good standing.
Performance evaluations are completed each month by one or more of the partners personally. A lack of faith standing in the company can yield a demotion or expulsion from the company if the violation is severe enough.