Dad Company / DADCOMPANY

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

We are Dad Company.

Fly with us among the stars as we extend our glorious paternal wings and spread the good will of fatherhood to the farthest reaches of the galaxy!


Dad Company was founded by dads for dads.

By the 24th century, dads were all but irrelevant in society. Increasing support for feminist movements during the 20th and 21st centuries didn’t stop at equality. With the advent of social media in the 21st century, feminist movements became increasingly radicalized into an anti-male brigade. Males around the globe began to be persecuted by women for their perceived privileges. Led by the infamous United Uteran Leaders, these radical groups pooled together and overthrew male-led governments worldwide. Most notably the UUL took over the White House after a week long battle and televised the cutting off of then United States President Donald Trump’s penis and scrotum just days after he was declared the winner of the 2020 election. The new established governments focused on rebuilding the laws of modern society to favor women in order to right the wrongs of thousands of years of persecution. Women were guaranteed higher pay than their male counterparts as compensation for centuries of salary disparity with their male colleagues and often were just laid off or outright fired. Women were also given special tax exemption rights in most governments as a form of reparation for millenia of treatment as a lesser gender. The UUL’s rhetoric escalated throughout the latter decades of the 21st century with male quotas being implemented in UUL controlled countries such as the United States, Australia, and the recently established British Republic of Matriarchs. These quotas resulted in legislation requiring forced abortions if the yearly quota for male births had been met.

Over time, the privilege that males experienced due to their superior physical strength to women faded into poverty and derision. Much like women prior to the 16th century, men were now viewed as almost worthless in society outside of being a means for extra revenue for a family or as a vessel for sexual reproduction and occasionally for pleasure. Society rapidly began to shift it’s view of women to be not only that of a superior caretaker and provider for children, but intellectually, temperamentally, and morally superior. This led fathers to be all but forgotten and discarded across the galaxy. Marriages became a relic of an old age and were only common in slums and rebellious countries as men were no longer pursued as life-long partners. The typical child would only see their father on rare occasions when they were able to come back from long work trips across the galaxy and were granted visitation by the mother.

Due to the new social standing that men began to face during this time, men began to stick together as a reinforced group of workers and began to create blue collar corporations designed to be communities for men where they could work hard together to provide for their families. Despite the common separation from their children that fathers during that time faced, men rallied around philosophy of the traditional role of providing for their families to give them a sense of purpose. Men all over the galaxy needed homes while they were on journeys working and providing. Mining companies and exploration companies began to advertise a work environment that supported working fathers and was seen as a refuge for fathers wanting to pursue a life of greater purpose in providing for their families. This is where Dad Company got its beginning.

Dad Company was founded by Shidder L. Smith and a rogue Vanduul warrior, known only by the name “Obscured Visions” in the year 2347 as a trading company that dealt in the trade of any and all goods throughout the galaxy. The company would travel from system to system and gather exotic items, minerals, and commodities to sell all around the galaxy. The men of the company became so close that they essentially formed their own self-sufficient society completely separated from the oppression that had become rampant on their home worlds. These fathers took pride in their new lives away from their family and became united together in the name of providing for their children and embracing their roles as providers. Eventually dissident women started to join Dad Company in support of the lifestyle these men were pursuing.

Dad Company today still keeps true to the spirit of the company that was founded 600 years ago. While the social stigma of being male no longer exists in any meaningful way in our society after the fall of the Uteran Empire in 2414, these fathers remember the roots of the organization. They travel among the stars with pride to provide for their families and to give them a better life.

Dad Company now deals in all kinds of various freelance work as well as the exotic trading that it was originally founded to do. Any individuals with a spacecraft to travel and work in or has someone they love and care for back on their home planet is welcome to join Dad Company. Should any other organization try to take our paternal pride away from us, Dad Company will tear them down and rebuild them stronger and united in the name of provision.

Magni Patre, inter sidera ducens praescripto.


Dad Company travels the galaxy doing anything and everything necessary to provide for our families and protect our heritage as fathers.

We are not exclusive to fathers. Anyone who exemplifies true willingness to live up to the roles of fatherhood, male or female, will find a home with Dad Company.

We do what is necessary to provide for our families. If that means fighting, then we will fight.

Magni Patre, inter sidera ducens praescripto.

Great Father, Your Provision Guides us Among the Stars.



As of now there are only a few regulations to abide by within Dad Company.

1. You must always do what is best for your family. First and foremost that is to provide UEC to them and yourself.

2. You must do what is necessary to support Dad Company. This may mean taking on work that you otherwise may not wish to engage in.

3. No expressed hatred of any entity that opposes us. If you are threatened, exchange few words when engaging the enemy, but also show mercy if the enemy backs down. We are not war mongers, however we will do what is necessary to protect our families and our organization.

4. Violating the paternal philosophy of provision and acting in defiance of your paternal duties will result in exile from Dad Company. Those in exile from Dad company are to be considered hostile if ever encountered again.

5. We do not discriminate between legal and illegal activities so long as they are done in good faith with the tenets and morals of fatherhood.

Should you need direction within the organization, contact a Pater Omega within the company and they will gladly assist you.

Magni Patre, inter sidera ducens praescripto.