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the rustbelt-renegades / DAILYDOSE

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Medical

Forged in the asteroid fields, fueled by mishap and mayhem, ready for any fight or rescue.


This crew’s success story is written in laser burns and questionable repair jobs. They started with grit, stubbornness, and a rented ROC that barely held together. Early runs were a cocktail of near-catastrophe and surprising profit… along with an unexpected discovery that they were damn good in a dogfight. Driven by necessity and a touch of recklessness, they carved a reputation as fiercely loyal mercenaries. Sure, there’s a dent for every hasty decision, but those dents just make their fleet of fighters (and surprisingly robust medical ship) more endearing. From hauling high-risk cargo to daring extractions, the Renegades always show up, blasters hot, med kits ready, and likely with some wild story about how they got into this mess in the first place.


We weren’t born into slick corporate ships or inherited fortunes. We built this with blaster burns and busted knuckles. Every scar on our ships, every credit earned, it’s ours.

We’ve failed. We’ve lost. We’ve crawled back from the brink. It made us smarter, tougher, and damn sure made us appreciate a good medbay.

We’ve got each other’s backs. Out here, loyalty isn’t bought with fancy contracts, it’s forged in firefights and those “oh crap” moments when your only hope is a friend screaming down the comms channel.

The ‘verse ain’t always fair. Scum preys on those who can’t fight back. Well, we’re the fight back. We’ll haul your cargo, pull you from the wreckage, and make anyone who threatens you wish they’d picked an easier target.

We might not play by the rules. We’ll definitely break a few things along the way. But at the end of the day, the Renegades deliver – even if the delivery involves more lasers than expected.

We hustle, we scrap, we rescue. If you need something done in this crazy corner of the galaxy, and you don’t mind a few side adventures, we’re your crew.


*The Renegade Charter
Article 1: Sweat Equity
Every Renegade earns their place. No handouts, no shortcuts.
Skills matter more than fancy pedigrees. Miners, pilots, medics, mechanics – if you contribute, you’re respected.
Share knowledge, lend a hand. We all rise together.

Article 2: Loyalty Above All
A Renegade watches out for their crewmates, on the job and off.
Betrayal ain’t tolerated. Mess with one of us, you mess with the whole damn pack.
Calls for help get answered, even when it’s inconvenient. Especially then.

Article 3: Profit and Purpose
We’re in this to make our mark and a decent living. But…
Don’t be the kind of lowlife who’ll step on anyone to get ahead. Gougers and pirates are our targets, not an example to follow.
When the choice is tough credits or doing the right thing, we find a damn way to do both.

Article 4: Embrace the Chaos
Plans WILL go wrong. That’s half the fun.
Improvise, adapt, laugh it off (after you’ve fixed the mess).
If it was easy, anyone could do it. The crazier the job, the better the story.

Article 5: Have a Blast
We work hard, we fight harder. But at the end of the day, this should be a hell of a ride.
Celebrate the wins, big and small. Share in the good times, it makes the rough patches easier to bear.

Amendments: The Charter ain’t set in stone – the crew decides. But anything voted on better fit the Renegade spirit!