Enclave of Dakara / DAKARA

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Social

Enclave – a place or group that is different in character from those surrounding it. Many species and origins populate the verse. Here, they come together in a group to overcome the barriers of diversity, prejudice or simply to escape, together.


Dakara was once a symbol of stagnant enslavement, those who held it, owned it, were those in power. When that regime fell, the enslaved rose, the downtrodden became the upstanding. Those who have suffered, those who know the pain of the world, are more often the ones who will in turn defend those who cannot then defend themselves. Empathy is born and forged in the fire of adversity and conflict resolution. Be it physical, emotional, mental, all forms of pain and suffering can become chains others use to control, manipulate and dominate.

That will not be the case here.

Referral Codes:
MechWrangler – STAR-WGLJ-GMDS
VerdigrisSC – STAR-MHYZ-D4JB


I. Rectitude or Justice. …‘Rectitude is one’s power to decide upon a course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering; to die when to die is right, to strike when to strike is right.’

II. Courage. …‘Perceiving what is right and doing it not reveals a lack of Courage.’

III. Benevolence or Mercy. …‘Love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and pity, are traits of Benevolence, the highest attribute of the soul.’

IV. Politeness. …“Politeness should be the expression of a benevolent regard for the feelings of others; it’s a poor virtue if it’s motivated only by a fear of offending good taste”

V. Honesty and Sincerity. …‘Luxury was thought the greatest menace, severe simplicity without ignorance is required of the warrior class’

VI. Honor. …‘True patience means bearing the unbearable.’

VII. Loyalty. …‘Only in the code of chivalrous Honor does Loyalty assume paramount importance’

VIII. Character and Self-Control…‘By choosing compassion over confrontation, and benevolence over belligerence, one demonstrates a control of self that will overcome any shackles’


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