Rebel Alliance / DALLAS

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Hi! Welcome, welcome, what can we do for you today? Looking to buy or sell? Do you need something moved, or disposed of? Maybe you got skills in these departments, look for the small Recruitment sign in the back, and we’ll take care of you.


The Rebel Alliance was created Oct 15th in 2015. Our plan was to have a faction whose purpose was to advance our will through the verse by any means necessary. Our vision in to have no more than 20 well trained Lords who can impose our will. To be in this faction one must be ready for indiscriminate killing a robbing. I am Lord Contra the logistics overlord of R.A.


This will be a faction of many factions. Kill one faction and many more take its place.

This is a brotherhood
This brother only exist for its own advancement
We have many enemies and no friends
Just Us!!! Rebel Alliance!!!!


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