Darklords Ascension / DARKLORDS

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Social

Darklords are back! For good times, honour, knowledge, wisdom, and power!




What we want
We want a all purpose org with all kinds of divisions, that will be respected and be a known organization by others.

What we expect from members
Members are expected to be professional, have an mature attitude, be diplomatic, have good social skills and be open minded towards others, and learn from each other. As an independent society we have no room for crybaby’s, childish behavior, and other negative personality’s that always blame others. Self reflection will be required. Working together as an team is a major asset. TEAM stand for Together Everybody Achieves More, and in that spirit this organization will be run.

What we accept
We accept people from all over the world, no on matter gender, race, religion, time zone, even age (as long as you are behaving mature), however communication will be done in English. No communicating is no option. Regular activity once the game is online, is required.

Want to join?
Do you think you have what it takes for being a Darklord? Then apply now. Only proper applications will be considered, so share your own visions and ideas u look for in a organization, tell us about yourself including age, location, timezone, job (if you have one), gaming background, and other info you might find to be important.



Contact us for more info, and/or diplomacy requests: darklords.org@gmail.com

Code of conduct

Current vision of the game
Besides the basic rules down below, we currently keep an open mind about the game and it’s possible potential and options, and intend to explore the current known possibility’s before deciding what will be our main focus and goals, besides being a fun org.

Vision for our org
Currently we plan to be involved in all aspects, and have own visions about an independent organization and the possible roles someone plays in the organization. Organization will be run with a democratic command style, that will have an council upon growth. Current idea is to be big enough to claim an own system upon game launch, from where we can expand further.

About roles/roleplay
Our current vision about roles is the following. Every member will have an certain main function in the org. This will be useful for making teams, and find fellow members that have similar interests. Think in certain expertise roles, where your main focus for the game is.
Want to be a miner? Then your org role will be miner. This doesn’t mean you can only mine inside our org, however we will know that this is your main focus. There will also be a shifting in PVP/ no PVP. This will be Military/Civilian.

About multiple organization membership
Since a lot is unknown about how this will exactly work, and how standings and diplomacy will be influenced by this, it is still subject to change. However the current idea for us, is that members may only be member of 1 player based org. So you are either in or out, but not both. NPC based membership however will for now be allowed. Reason for only 1 player based org membership is the following: being part of an organization must mean something for you, and also means something for us. Being part of 2 player based orgs can cause troubles on availability, activity, allegiance, trust, diplomacy, and reflections on the Darklords.

Basic organization rules

• Have fun
• Be social
• Be mature
• Be diplomatic
• Did we already say: Have fun?
• Be relaxed
• Working together as an team
• Share opinions and thoughts
• Active
• Last but not least: Have fun