Dark North / DARKNORTH

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

A Private Military Corporation.


Founded August 30, 2001 by Jural_DN.
We’ve played games together for well over a decade.
The core group of DarkNorth are old friends outside the SC universe, and are thus very tight-knit and like-minded.


Dark North: Operational Policies and Manifesto

  • Bold and far reaching deep space exploration in the interests of expanding territorial influence and mutual business opportunities.
  • Encouraging teamwork among members to maintain a casual, yet effective environment.
  • Networking among other friendly organizations including, but not limited to; mining, trading, and other Private Military Corporations.
  • Defending Dark North capital, members, and infrastructure.
  • Maximizing stakeholder wealth.


Dark North Project Charter.

Dark North, as created by Jural_DN on 01/21/2014 exists to provide mature individuals the tools, methods, and support structure to grow financially in the SC universe. Finality of decisions fall to the discretion of (in order of greatest authority):
  1. Jural_DN
  2. Fong
  3. So|o
  4. KossaK
Senior members will benefit from great latitude in operational matters, with their primary goals breaking down as follows:
  • Explore known and unknown space.
  • Reporting any significant logistical, economical or strategic findings back to DN.
  • Maintain profitability of DN as an organization by administration of employment opportunities.
  • Mediate any internal concerns.
  • Mitigate losses due to external conflict.
Entry level members will benefit from the resources and connections of an established PMC, with their primary goals breaking down as follows:
  • Have Fun. This is a game.
  • Exploration and profitable Trading activity to support the overall effort of DN.
  • Reporting any significant logistical, economical or strategic findings back to DN.
  • Maintain accountability for conduct on behalf of themselves and DN both internally and externally.
  • Contribution of nominal monthly dues to cover expenses as it pertains to hangar space, petty cash for guild ammunition, and repairs.
  • Participation in guild operations that require extra manpower, on a best-effort basis.