Dat Karaoke Squad / DATKS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

“There is a karaoke inside all of us”

We are a freelance PMC group up for hire. We will do anything, even that.


A long time ago in a galaxy far away a sound faintly echoed, a sound so powerful it could travel through space, this sound grew and spread across the universe. Until it reached a dim little world called Earth.There a brave young boy became the embodiment of this cosmic force. He would go on to take the name Freddie Mercury to symbolize the bond he had formed with his galaxy. This man had represented the strength and determination that was the will of the Karaoke. Now nearly a millennium after his death, there are still those that travel across the galaxy carrying the knowledge of Karaoke and spreading his teachings along the way.Still, there were those who had denied his teachings and worse, those who had launched unrelenting attacks on those that followed the way of Karaoke. Thus Dat Karaoke Squad was born. The true sons of Mercury who would put their lives on the line to assure that the message of Karaoke is never halted as it continues to spread valiantly through space and time.


Our Intentions:

Build a tight community of soldiers. When you join us you aren’t just enlisting in an army. You are becoming part of the family. We value everyone equally as much as the person next in line. Your rank is there to make our job easier and to portray your skill-set and advancement. We are focused on bringing a organised solution to the battlefield that nobody else can provide. We provide services for everyone who has the cash to pay for it. We also help out the average joe when in need. We believe that everyone has an equal chance to do what they want and how they want to do it.
But sometimes things don’t go as planned.
That’s where we come in, with the power of Karaoke and luck we will get you and your cargo to your destination, sometimes.


We are a PMC organisation that will undertake any contract that is on offer. We have the capabilities for cargo hauling, transport and security. As an organisation we plan on working together as a team and having fun, it’s not just about the pay check it’s enjoying your time spent with everyone while doing so.