The Pink Fluffy Bunnies / DBNY

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Exploration

_- Egestas erit Rosea – _

The home of the Pink Fluffy Bunnies, in space!


Before the great Lagomorphs of yore had shuffled out of their warrens, before the Great Fluffle Migration of ’09, the Pink Fluffy Bunnies were bound by their tiny paws and floppy ears to be forever ground based.

…but a great leader emerged during the crisis. And through sheer sneakery and carrot powered awesomeness manifested the first time warp space travel gate. And into this gate poured the bunnies, emerging into the Stanton System…wildly blinking and hopping they quickly multiplied throughout and embedded themselves into key societal positions.

Now, they are preparing
The exodus is complete
The Fluffening is yet to begin…



Herewith so to fore the Manifesto of the Illustrious and proud, Punk Fluffy Bunnies:

  • - Don’t be a cunt
  • - Do what I say not what I do.
  • - Kill stuff that isn’t bunnies.
  • - Crush your enemies, drive them before you and hear the lamentations of their women.
  • - You will have fun. If you do not have fun, fun will be had for you. Failure to have fun will result in being fed to The Goat. Which apparently, is a lot of fun.