Dei Ex Astra / DEA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

We are a loose organization of like-minded people. We don’t have a lot of rules, except perhaps to stand up for each other.


The original founders were friends from neighbouring countries in a time when space-flight was at the breaking point of becoming commercially viable. Having been out in the battle-fields together they were one of the first units out in space working together towards common goals.

Being among the first out there meant there wasn’t much known space yet. Exploration came first, running protection runs after that and finally growing into a larger organisations meant adding their own cargo runnings. These days the core still runs on descendants of the original founders and the main activities are explorations and mercenary work.

Fighting and scouting is in the blood of DEA.


Blood comes first. Money is second.


Well, since some people want to see a set of rules, here we go:
1. Blood comes first. We protect our own and will abandon money in favour of protecting our own.
2. Do no harm to others, unless it’s in the contract :)
3. Have a little respect and decency.