Mitauchi's Legion / DEATHFLEET

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Welcome to Mitauchi’s Legion, home of those wishing to escape the betrayal and shackles of the UEE.


In the beginning

Early on in his career as a Navy Pilot, Mitauchi found success. He excelled at practically every task his superiors put in front of him. So much so that it was no surprise when the Executioners came for him. Executioners were the nickname we gave the brass that recruited for the Marines, once they got their hooks into you our old squadron or team members never saw you again. But here I go getting ahead of myself. My name is William Bathe, my friends call me Bill. I enlisted with the Captain, been with him on more tours than I can recall. He has always been a loyal, honest man and stuck with his men and with a near-perfect mission success rate and super low casualties per op every man or woman in the Navy wanted to be assigned in our squadron. Some of the Navy Brass had been trying to break up our squadron for some time, they apparently didn’t like having such a fiercely loyal group with the overall Naval Structure, but the Captain fought them on it every inch of the way. So when the Marines came to recruit him he said he would go, but only if they took our whole squadron.

It was a bold request, even for a person with his combat record. The Marines always selected people at random, or so it seemed. Mission purposed I suppose, but in the case Mitauchi there was no question on why they wanted him, hell everyone wanted him. The results and numbers didn’t lie. So when he asked for every man and woman under his command to be transferred along with him, he got what he wanted.

Over 100 missions flown and not a single casualty from our group while we were Navy. It was some kinda record they said. All I know is when the shit got deep Mit would get you out of it. But this was the end of all that now we were Marines. We were getting thrown into the shit. Don’t get me wrong, the Captain made the right move, he did what he had to to keep us together, but after we lost Jackson, then Bendez, a reality set in. The higher-ups were sending into ops where statistical wins were more important than getting everyone back in one piece. That didn’t sit well with the Captain, after all, he made this move to help protect us, shield us from the Naval Politics. The Marines didn’t like waves, however. Especially from some former Squids.


It was an early operation schedule, nothing heavy. Our team and detachment from 23rd Company were going to do a quick recon to investigate some terrorist activity deep in hostile territory. I am not sure what rock we ended up on all I remember hearing someone say something about the VooDoo System. We came in on our Nails close to the objective, did a quick sweep and clear of what appeared to be an abandoned facility while the 23rd held the drop zone and were about to call back for pick up when out of nowhere the 23rd Started to open fire on our position!!!. The coms lit up with screams! “Blue Fire! I repeat BLUE FIRE!!! God damn it your killing Marines down here!!!” The Captain barked into the coms. “You’re no Marine.” replied a voice over the transmission. Right then I knew we were fucked. That was the voice of the Fleet Admiral. The coms went dead.

The Captain ordered us to return fire. I couldn’t believe what was happening, but it was us or them. Our modified weapons spun up and begun cutting down those 23rd bastards. They may have gotten the jump on us, but they were no match for us, we were more seasoned, more experienced and had nothing left to lose. With fire in his eyes, the Captain went around to each of those fallen Traitors and put an extra round into each of their helmets. He barked back the Admiral “Next time send real Marines down instead of your lapdogs!”

The Admiral did not answer, however. We knew this was some black bag shit he had cooked up to get rid of us. Whether this was the Navy Brass getting revenge for us taking their squadron away by going to the Marines or the Marine Brass tired of the Captains damning reports about incompetent leadership those of who remained knew that the UEE could never be our home again. Not after today. One of our recon guys, Runner, sprung into action, he was in the panel of one of the 23rds Valkkryies hacking the ID. They wouldn’t be needing to pick up these poor bastards. We grabbed our fallen and wounded piled them onto the bird and took off. It wasn’t a moment too soon as we pulled off into low orbit the ground behind us a bright firey orangish-red orb appeared, the admiral had sent his final regards to mop up the scene in the form of a bombardment. After floating dead in space for what seem to be hours Runner told us the UEE Fleet had departed. They assumed us all dead, I am sure. We all looked to the Captain, what were we to do now.

Betrayed by The Navy and the Marines, Forgot by the government and thought dead by anyone we had left on that side of civilization, what remained or our team hobbled back to the edge of UEE space. The Captain stood up and said, “My brothers and sisters, we have been betrayed. Betrayed by those we served these many years. The UEE may not be the Imperial Tyranny from the history books, but it still has a deep-rooted corruption within it. Admirals, Generals, and Politicians play games with our lives and the people still within their precious UEE prison. Our mission has changed. We no longer fight for their Elite, we fight ONLY for each other! For each one of us is a powerful tool they once used to do the bidding, but together we are an unstoppable force of their own making. We will show them the true meaning of suppression. How will their most elite do when we take all their precious goods and bring their markets to a halt? What will their governors say when we breach each of the systems like an endless shadow? It is time we feed on their greed!” A resounding cheer from all who were able sounded off from the drifting ship.

The Legion

The call went out. A man as respected as the Captain made many friends over the years, and even though the Admiral and the rest of the military spun their own version of events, those who knew Mitauchi, knew the truth. They came to us in droves. Military, Miners, Traders, even Doctors, and Scientists. Anyone who felt betrayed by the UEE. The UEE labeled us traitors, rebels, criminals, PIRATES! We called ourselves The LEGION for we all fought for one purpose, each other. My name is William Bathe aka Captain Bloody Bill of Mitauchi’s Legion and this is the beginning of our story.


Tired of living under the boot of the UEE? Mitauchi’s Legion is recruiting able-bodied men and women to join us on the adventure of experiencing the true freedom of living in the Black! Come on over to our discord and you too can join up and help take back our freedom from the leeches of the universe.


-Mitauchi’s Legion is a Militant Pirate Organization
-This is not a Democracy. While I consider myself a benevolent dictator who strives to listen to the opinions and desires of his people. I have the final say.
-We DO expect people to engage and respect others who RP. While we do not require everyone to go off the deep end when RPing, each member will be required to have a brief character background and engage in lite RP when it is called for. In the end Game play > RP but still have some fun with it.
-Following the rules and regulations of the Legion is not optional. Violate these at your own peril. Loss of life, limb, rank and ultimately membership may occur after a single violation.