• PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

If you have a problem… if no one else can help… and if you can find them… maybe you can hire… The Defenders.


We are a social organization of gamers brought together to create a unique atmosphere of community fun, bringing years of experience in various forms to the table that help us enjoy our experiences in the games we play.

We’re always looking to meet great new friends for adventures and laughs in the journey ahead, both in game and out.

One of our key mottos is “Good people make these games great!” and it is our goal to have and enhance our group of great people to really enjoy our gaming time.

We have operated under a few names, we defended the peace, we ran an Academy of the Force, and now we take another step forward and defend those in need in their darkest hour.

The Defenders are an experienced organization, we have had highs, lows, and we don’t pretend otherwise. We are a real community of real people from all over the world.

We pride ourselves in our past accomplishments and are aiming to bring Defenders to the highest level of progression and achievements, but most importantly bring them into our coummunity. Our members are our greatest assets and make us who we are, and help us create a rewarding experience for all involved.

We may not get there the fastest, but we will get there having the most fun!


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