Death's Hand Brigade Mercenaries / DHB

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

“Strength Through Unity.”

DHB is a tight knit, elite force specializing in, but not limited to, security operations. We also have specialists in exploration, as well as secure transportation. Whatever your need, the Brigade has you covered.

For now, look for us starside, we’ll be waiting.


The Death’s Hand Brigade are a collection of mature and like minded players from across the globe; brought together by a common love of all things Mechwarrior. We have endured and accomplished much in whatever guise we wear. From Canada to Australia, from the northern reaches of England to the southern tips of the United States; our member base spans the globe.

We function as a military unit having adopted many of the structures and operational guidelines of a modern day military (rank, protocol, etc) but in the end we are a bunch of people who like each other beyond just what the color of our uniform happens to be. We choose to put our friendships with one another first, keeping an eye towards respecting each other and everyone else we may meet, regardless of the colors they fly. We do unto others as we would want done unto us, and if we meet someone disrespectful or rude, we quietly let them rant, best them in battle when the time comes, and just as quietly walk away with dignity, knowing we’re doing the right thing. Our motto on this is “Let our guns be the only thing to reply when an insult is cast our way”.

We choose to train, and focus on improving our abilities as pilots, while maintaining friendships with one another. To be a part of the Brigade is to be a part of a family. We follow the Brigade Code of Conduct, and Grievance Procedure when the need arises. Lastly, the commander and Founder’s vision is listed in the tenants of his Manifesto. All Brigadiers are expected to read over and be familiar with these documents upon acceptance into the Death’s Hand Brigade.

The Death’s Hand Brigade, formerly known as the Gray Death Legion of Battletech Lore has a rich and storied history dating back through many previous iterations of the MechWarrior franchise.

Initially, DHB was going to be playing as the Gray Death Legion, (GDL) and we had made efforts to reserve our place in MWO under this banner. However, in early May of 2012 the announcement was made that no canon mercenary unit, of which the Gray Death Legion most certainly was, would be allowed to be run, or controlled, by players. Thus began the renaming of our mercenary corporation. Potential unit names were submitted to the Command Staff and a series of votes took place over these names. Ultimately the final decision was reached based on input from the entire unit and Colonel Havoc chose to rename the unit: Death’s Hand Brigade.

One of the members of the Brigade, Killhunger, devoted his considerable artistic talent to the creation of a new unit logo, paying homage to the classic Gray Death Legion logo, but putting our own spin on it and making it uniquely our own. The fruit of his labor can be seen on the front page of our home page,, and is a testament to his amazing artistic ability.

Reestablishing a new website, purchasing domain names and setting up our own Teamspeak server came along after this, as did exponential growth of the Brigade.

We are now one of the most recognized & respected units within MechWarrior Online and the greater gaming community thanks to the hard work and dedication of each and every member of the Brigade. Our reputation is second to none, and no matter who we face, we always give a good showing of our abilities when we meet opponents in game. Offering ‘good luck’ before a match and ‘great game’ afterwards, whether we win, or lose. We will continue to build on and expand this reputation in the future, and always ensure that we’re having fun, and that our opponents are given a challenge every time they square off against us.


Havoc’s Manifesto:

Our Tenets.


We are here to have fun. We’re playing a game together as friends and while I know different people have different views on what is or isn’t fun, one thing we must all keep in mind is that being hyper competitive is not conducive to fun. We will always strive to be competitive, to use good tactics and to have our game faces on when we’re training or dropping as a coordinated group, but never to the point of being hyper competitive. Regardless, if we are goofing off or doing ‘game face’ combat, we need to have fun together and provide fun for our opponents as well, no matter if we win or lose.

I never want competition to take the place of fun or kill the fun for us.

I’ve watched the argument of casual vs. competitive kill many social gaming groups in other games and I will NOT let it creep in to DHB if I can help it. By keeping our focus on having fun first, and being able to exercise good tactics, being consistent and proficient in how we pilot and operate in a drop, we will by extension naturally be one of the most skilled and respected units in MWO, Star Citizen, or any other game we participate in.

Win, lose or draw, always have fun and work to make sure that fun is extended to everyone in the Brigade and every opponent as well.


The tenet of being respectful and tactful in our dealings with one another primarily and any outside force as well. Be it another force of mercenaries, an organized house unit, a handful of individual pilots, or even a single lone wolf pilot. We must strive to always be a force of positive influence in Star Citizen, MWO, and greater gaming community and to let our actions and words show others that we are a group of people who work to bring positive contributions to the game and community as a whole.

We will accomplish this by being easy going, and placing emphasis on being respectful, treating others as we want to be treated, and willing to turn the other cheek when people try to bring us down or belittle us because of our success and continued growth.

The standing order to not stoop to the level of name calling or petty bickering will ever and always remain in place for DHB. People WILL try and get a rise out of us. We will not let them. Poking fun at one another or another unit or individual is alright so long as it’s not carried too far. That said, speaking ill of any other member of the community, be it another member of DHB or Joe Lone Wolf number 4 in a public forum will not be tolerated. If you’ve got a gripe, share it privately and put it behind you.

Life’s too short to hold a grudge or fret over drama, and it is my goal to have DHB be a place for fun, and not drama. With everyone’s help in this we will continue to be drama free and a source of positivity within Star Citizen, MWO, and the greater gaming community at large.


DHB is a family. I want each and every member, applicant, or recruit to know this truth: If I ever meet you in person, I will shake your hand and offer to buy you a beer over lunch or dinner while we hang out. I consider EVERY member within DHB my friend and I will fight tooth and nail for you, defend you and go to bat for you so long as you maintain the two tenets I have outlined above.

I may not know everyone here as well as I’d like yet, but ask anyone who has been in the unit for any great length of time and they will tell you what kind of person I am and that if there’s something I can do to help any one of you, I will try my damnest to make that help available.

It is my goal to know each and every Brigadier, to count them my friend and come hell or high water I will make that goal a reality no matter how many members come in to the Brigade. This will always be a place of fun, camaraderie, friendship and a family atmosphere so long as I am at the helm of the ship, rest assured.

Brigadiers are family. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us, and if someone earns our ire we won’t belittle them, nor will we head hunt them. We’ll just quietly ignore them and let our silence speak the volumes that it will, while our guns do the talking for us when we meet our foe dirtside, or starside.


From more a perspective of what guides me: I fight for, and strive to make sure I am the kind of person that any one of you can be proud to call their commander. I want everyone here to be able to know that I’m here for you, your friend, confidant, comrade, and leader. I may have to fuss at some on occasion. Please know that I do this to ensure a high level of quality is maintained and to ensure that the unit’s sterling reputation that we have all built thus far together is maintained and preserved. We are one of the largest and MOST respected unit in MechWarrior Online, Star Citizen, and greater gaming community at large, and the only reason we are is because of each and every member of the Brigade has put forth effort and shown themselves to be people of great and noble character. If needed I will also play mediator when a disagreement occurs. Will I be able to be everyone’s friend at all times and in all things? No, sadly. With that said, I am going to try my utmost to be friendly at every opportunity regardless of the situation. No matter what, I will always be fair, equitable, and make any decision based on what is best for the Brigade, and all the individual Brigadiers within it.

Thank you all for being a part of the Brigade. Please keep these tenets in the fore of your mind while representing DHB in your words and actions.

I look forwards to dropping with each and every one of you and in the interim.

>Salute< Keep your engines hot. I’ll see you all starside soon.

-Colonel Andrew “Havoc” Davis
Death’s Hand Brigade Mercenaries

“Strength through Unity”



Death’s Hand Brigade is a gaming unit with a membership made from like minded people who enjoy fun, camaraderie, and competitiveness. We operate using PG13+ mature guidelines. Death’s Hand Brigade Brigadier’s strive to live by the units values and ethos.

Brigadier’s have many different play styles, times available and attitudes and come from all over the world. All are to be respected and encouraged. At the end of the day, we’re here to have fun, fun is defined on an individual basis, what one person considers fun, another person might not. All can be equally shared and enjoyed under the Brigade umbrella.

By following and abiding by the Code of Conduct, Brigadier’s can enjoy the rich experience that Death’s Hand Brigade provides, without worry of harassment, belittlement, or prejudice. The Code of Conduct provides an ordered and stable set of protocols. The Code Of Conduct applies to each and every member of Death’s Hand Brigade.
Code of Conduct

1. Death’s Hand Brigade Code of Conduct is the set of standards by which all Brigadier’s of the unit live up to and are measured by. Brigadier’s of the Death’s Hand Brigade are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct at all times, especially when communicating with other members via in game, on a forum, a chat, or on Teamspeak. Brigadier’s are to respect and treat each other with dignity in every situation.

2. When you are in game, on the forums or any Team Speak, you are to wear the Death’s Hand Brigade tag. You represent Death’s Hand Brigade, appropriate behavior is demanded, inappropriate behavior is not tolerated. This includes (but not limited to) slander, racism, sexism, bigotry, profanity, or any illicit behavior. Conflicts between members are expected to be resolved between the two parties in a respectful and considerate manner, failing that the Grievance Policy will be implemented.

3. No person shall be excluded from the Death’s Hand Brigade for reasons of color, gender, creed, sexual orientation or religious views.

4. Brigadier’s of Death’s Hand Brigade shall treat everyone (inside or outside of the unit) with dignity and respect. Do not be annoying or aggressive, this includes starting arguments, yelling in Teamspeak, confrontations and generally putting someone else down, trolling and flaming in Teamspeak or on any forums or chats. Brigadier’s should strive to conduct themselves in accordance with the Death’s Hand Brigade Mission Statement and live up to Deaths Hand Brigade’s motto:

“Strength Through Unity”

5. Death’s Hand Brigade has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for cheating, hacking and exploits of any type.

Everyone is to read and understand this Code of Conduct and to abide by it at all times.