Dark Horse Interstellar Co. / DINC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Welcome to DINC!

Dark Horse Interstellar specializes primarily in Trading, Transport and Protection but provides a long range of other services as well.

If you’re looking for a friendly place that will provide plenty of opportunities, look no further.





Dark Horse Interstellar co. (DINC) started off as a Terra based transporting company by the name of “Placeholder Shipping co.” The owner fell ill and the company was put up for sale. Alex von Krullmeister and Martin Emenai bought the company together with it’s existing assets and customers and founded Dark Horse Interstellar co. DINC expanded from “Placeholder Shipping co.” focus on cargo transport to include trading, protection detail and exploring.

With over 50 ships and a dedicated team at it’s disposal, DINC has the assets to provide help wherever it’s needed, when it’s needed.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis consectetur leo a tempus. Sed sed ipsum interdum, tincidunt odio sed, rutrum tortor. Phasellus bibendum feugiat ornare. Fusce eget fringilla neque. Quisque at tortor congue, euismod nunc sit amet, convallis nisl. Donec sagittis commodo diam, feugiat bibendum enim tristique sed. Phasellus eleifend quam nec elit porta, id ultrices nibh mattis. Cras eget vehicula sapien. Nulla at velit porta leo auctor hendrerit sagittis nec justo. Sed pretium vulputate ultricies. Aliquam purus risus, ultricies ut sollicitudin eu, venenatis a ex. Nulla mattis urna et sapien varius, in varius lectus molestie. Donec facilisis vitae purus non tincidunt. Quisque ante risus, tempus vitae augue id, aliquam gravida urna. Vivamus id nunc vel dui vestibulum pulvinar in porta arcu.

Fusce viverra elit eget venenatis accumsan. Donec eu metus non ex egestas varius quis a nibh. Fusce neque nisi, convallis a magna euismod, lobortis facilisis tellus. Praesent quis elit eu justo varius volutpat. Maecenas blandit libero in est molestie blandit. Pellentesque viverra, erat quis euismod dapibus, dui orci efficitur odio, sed malesuada lorem nisi tempor ligula. Cras in nulla scelerisque, ullamcorper metus sit amet, dictum metus. Morbi nec eros et neque ullamcorper tincidunt vel id arcu. Integer id elementum nulla. Sed nec consequat arcu. Nullam erat tortor, placerat a commodo eu, venenatis non nibh. Duis cursus ante a ante viverra, quis accumsan urna euismod. Sed non erat maximus, pellentesque sem et, mollis libero. Nulla volutpat euismod luctus. Nulla at scelerisque velit, id congue orci.

Curabitur suscipit libero et ex porta, ut feugiat lectus pellentesque. Quisque commodo, felis at placerat blandit, elit justo porttitor eros, vitae vehicula tellus sapien eget ipsum. In cursus luctus interdum. Aenean a dui tincidunt, sodales urna at, dignissim eros. Morbi nibh nunc, placerat sit amet bibendum sit amet, varius eget nulla. Maecenas pulvinar imperdiet turpis sed laoreet. Cras nec dolor non purus iaculis hendrerit. Mauris non condimentum sapien. Nulla id tincidunt tortor. Vivamus maximus id magna non mattis. Maecenas vel lacus tellus. Donec eget erat sit amet turpis pretium tempus sed egestas nibh. Praesent nec semper arcu. Cras nec dolor quis ante ornare suscipit. Phasellus vel metus quis augue aliquet efficitur. Mauris rutrum quis sem id viverra.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque hendrerit sed ante a posuere. Cras varius et lacus pretium consequat. In facilisis vel diam sit amet fermentum. Nunc sit amet condimentum sapien. In ac metus mattis, eleifend tellus lacinia, congue nibh. Integer a egestas turpis. Nullam sagittis laoreet metus ut gravida. Integer mauris augue, faucibus sed lectus vel, consectetur faucibus mi. Praesent nec lorem id orci semper condimentum vel nec metus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus ut urna at imperdiet. Vivamus dui dui, finibus sed metus at, ullamcorper aliquet augue. Sed eros ligula, efficitur vitae elementum ut, vulputate non mi. Cras lacus diam, dignissim vel ullamcorper ac, facilisis scelerisque velit. Sed ut bibendum diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tristique nisi at pellentesque tincidunt. Vivamus nec mollis eros. Fusce semper, ligula scelerisque facilisis sodales, ligula velit posuere nibh, vitae pulvinar justo lacus sed sapien.

Cras et nibh risus. Donec eu tellus sed sapien fringilla semper. Sed in vehicula sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec blandit tortor tempus erat mollis gravida. Morbi orci dolor, tempor ut iaculis nec, rhoncus et magna. Nullam imperdiet odio ut libero tempus, aliquet vestibulum diam sollicitudin. Sed malesuada sapien ac massa tristique finibus. Proin ut massa lectus. Praesent quis metus enim. Nulla ac dictum ligula. Mauris ultricies, sem eget ultricies dapibus, nulla justo sagittis lectus, ut fringilla lorem massa lobortis metus. Aliquam vulputate lectus et dictum pretium.




Ranking system

Our ranks are divided up into three categories:

Senior Management
(Exectuives and Directors)

Executives are the founders and / or top ranking members that have access to everything relating to the org.

Directors are the heads of the various divisions (Human Resources, Recruitment and Design).

Middle Management
(Managers and Supervisors)

Managers have a management role in the Org. and answers directly to the Director of the related department.

Supervisors are long time, active members that do not have a designated management role.

Employees and assets
(Staff and Associates)

Staff are active members.

Associates are new recruits.



These are our organization policies, before applying, please read through them carefully!


Only mature, friendly and responsible players are encouraged to apply – preferably older than 18, but exceptions can be made, since maturity doesn’t necessarily come with age (this goes both ways). Dark Horse Interstellar aims to provide an inspiring work environment for all members and we will not tolerate problematic individuals who disrupt the fun in playing this game.

Social Etiquette

If you are not familiar with what Common Decency is, then this organisation is not for you. Be respectful to players who prefer fly alone or are in other organisations. If you see a stranger in trouble, and are in the position to help, then you should assist him or her to the best of your abilities. As our organisation was founded on the grounds of safer freelancing and exploration!

Multi-Organisation Policy

Multi-guild membership is allowed, but we would prefer if players would stay active with us.


Role-playing isn’t a must in this organisation, however this game is being created for full immersion in mind, so a certain [light] level of role-playing is required.

Gameplay Time

We are not a hardcore group. We do not require you to put in a set amount of hours per week in gameplay or force you to participate in group events.

Nationality / Gaming Hours

Players from all around the world are welcome! Most of us are located in Europe at this time but we would love to meet new people from elsewhere and co-ordinate times when we all can play together.


We do not condone piracy and our wish is that our members stick to a moral code that sits in line with our previously mentioned policies.
