Celestial Imperium / DINV

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Piracy

Welcome to The Divine Fleet! This Is a Dedicated Empire with the sole purpose of expanding our influence throughout the Star Citizen Universe with a Primary Directive of Helping Those in need and securing a foothold in the Stanton System. Join us on Discord https://discord.gg/cbZqRn9WQt


The Council Of the Divine Empire has declared the founding of the Divine Fleet! An organization of Explorers, Doctors, and scientist with a Primary directive of supporting the Stanton system and aiding the Cause of Divine Justice throughout all of Human space. As of 2952 The Divine Fleet operates over 50 Vessels throughout the system with a primary base of operations in HUR L1.


Per our constitution The Divine Empire has a singular prime Directive of Aiding players throughout the Stanton System.


Here is list of our Rules that applies to all Citizens and org members with no exceptions:

1. Be respectful – You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

2. Post content in the correct channels. If you are a new member, introduce yourself in General and feel free to ask for help

3. Don’t spam – Do not spam several channels with the same post. Don’t send a lot of small messages right after each other. Do not disrupt chat by spamming

4. No advertisements – We do not tolerate any kind of advertisements, unless permitted by mods. You can post your content in the media channel if it is relevant and provides actual value (Video/Art).

5. We have a zero tolerance policy towards any kind of hate speech and targeted Racism, this will lead to a review by the discipline Squad and Could ultimately lead to a ban by the Council.

6. Promotions are given based on merits, which includes dedication to both the game and the Discord server and may be taken away at any given time.

7. Real world Politics are Disfavored and therefor not allowed in any public channel

8. No NSFW of any kind shall be posted in this server