Death Is The Honorable Solution / DITHS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Infiltration

First, we are an Organization founded by Military veterans from Several nations that like to game together.

DITHS stands for Death Is The Honorable Solution. Our creed to how we deal with the unsavory type.

Our goal is to achieve great things through coordinated and calculated work.UEE is a NoGo


Founded By the Once heralded Commander of the 70Th Naval Fleet of The UEE. A Woman that Secured the Stars and Expansion of Humanity and with reluctance and Pride, went head long into the Frey against Humanities first enemy. this proud Commander was torn. She wanted her children to one day be born into a world like before Messer, Safe, honorable, and Clear. She wanted the Children of her dreams to have a peaceful fruitful life that she could only dream of. When in recollection of these thoughts She came to the conclusion that they needed to break Free. 70th Agreed and thus the plans to concide the UEE began and The plans for The Nation Of Gaia where born. Only time will tell what is to become of these dreams and only you can help see them through!…


We are the Nation that believes in no Emperor. We believe every Citizen has a say and thanks to the evil doings of Messer, we have broken free from the UEE. We love Humanity and what the UEE stood for before, yet they can not be trusted as the allowance of one man to have so much power Corrupted them and almost took Humanity with its corrupt ways. We seek to create a Home and a Nation in the Stars That are as Free as the Nations of the Old. Elected Officials, Battle Hardened Commanders all sitting at the table together to create a better future for us. The issue is this takes funding, organization, planning, and most of all execution of this plan in strategic stages to accomplish this Goal.
