UEE Marshals Service / DMB

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  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

UPDATE: Under UEE Guideline 2419, Section 1A-7C, any person/animal/alien that impersonates a member of the UEE Marshals Service is considered a felony, punishable by 7 years in UEE Federal Prison and/or a fine not to exceed 150,000 UEC Credits.


United Earth Empire Marshals Service (UEEMS) was founded in the year something-or-other as a federal law enforcement entity within the UEE executive branch. In the many years since the organization’s inception, Deputy Marshals have distinguished themselves throughout the UEE law enforcement community. While originally tasked specifically with fugitive recovery operations, witness and federal court protection, and the transport of federal UEE inmates, the organization’s overall jurisdiction has changed over time to match new threats. During the Space Meth Crisis of 2705, UEE Marshals were responsible for over 2,000 arrests, and an overall asset forfeiture program with holdings worth over 1 billion credits. Later, as the Space Mexican Drug Cartel Wars pushed into their fifth year, UEE Marshals apprehended El Quesadilla and his entire upper-command. As the Space Opium Epidemic has reached a new level of human cost, UEE Marshals have become tasked with counter-drug operations across the galaxy. In addition to anti-smuggling operations, UEE Marshals are periodically inserted into other law enforcement branches to augment their capabilities.

Within the past year, UEE Marshals have focused on the growing Sovereign Star Citizen movement, a difficult task as the threat is far-reaching and could materialize anywhere. An earlier raid on a space-trailer park called Red Ridge Trailers ended in a bloody standoff that turned into a 77 day siege. While the media has been quick to assume blame on UEE Marshals rules of engagement, the service has taken steps to lower their use of deadly force, along with developing relationships with local communities. UEE Marshals were responsible for the arrest of Julian Assange XVIII in 2805, following the Martian Embassy releasing said individual.


United Earth Empire Marshals Service (UEEMS) is a federal inter-galactic law enforcement agency. UEEMS is tasked with apprehending fugitives, protection of UEE court systems and personnel, protection of federal UEE witnesses, transportation of federal inmates, and under Title 37 Paragraph 2.9: “All other law enforcement duties and missions not aforementioned in Title 37 that are directed by the Attorney General of the UEE.” This single section allows UEE Marshals to perform law enforcement outside of the normal charter rulings.

UEE Marshals Service is based out of the UEE Marshals Service Headquarters, located on Earth, in Biloxi Mississippi, at the UEE Navy Support Activity. In addition to the HQ, UEEMS has offices across the planet and throughout the SOL system, with forward-teams tasked further out.
In addition to regularly-stationed Marshals Offices, UEEMS is also organized under the various mission-specific forces, such as the following:

Fugitive Recovery Team
Judicial Protection Service
Smuggling Interdiction Task Force
Extra-Terrestrial Response Group
Tactical Operations Division
Justice Prisoner and actual Alien Transportation System
Witness Security Division


1. When prompted by the UEE Marshal, pull your spaceship off and to the right of the space traffic lane
2. Avoid sudden movements! keep both hands on the joysticks unless asked to move by the UEE Marshal
3. Do not present Identification or Proof of Insurance until prompted to do so by the Marshal. If the items are located in the glove box, advise the Marshal of the location and ask if you can reach for it. AVOID REACHING UNDER YOUR SPACE SEAT!
4. If you are carrying a weapon, let the Marshal know the location of the weapon. Do not reach for the weapon yourself. If you have a permit for the weapon, present it upon Marshal asking.
5. Do not be alarmed if multiple Marshals are on site for the traffic stop. Marshals in some cases work solo, so additional backup is part of the process.
6. If prompted to exit the vehicle, do so. Disobeying any lawful order from a UEE Marshal is considered Impeding UEE Law Enforcement Investigation, a felony, and may lead to further judicial action.
7. If given a space ticket or are ordered to report to a holding facility, remain calm and ask the Marshal for more information
8. Have a nice space day.

Code of Conduct for UEE Marshals:
1. All UEE Marshals are to follow all orders and memorandums from the Director UEEMS and the UEE Attorney General
2. As a sworn law enforcement officer, UEE Marshals are not above the law and will answer all questions by the Office of Investigations
3. UEE Marshals must be professional in our interactions with the civilian populace. In today’s environment of space-riots over police brutality, it is paramount for us to use force only when necessary
4. All UEE Marshals will make use of the Space-Body-Cams and other recording-based technology that has been made available to UEE personnel. Failure to keep all recordings online while on duty will constitute a failure to follow orders of the Director UEEMS and is punishable by extended space-furlough.
5. UEE Marshals will coordinate with other UEE federal law enforcement entities and will assist in any way possible, including by providing evidence/and or testimony, to the prosecuting agency.

The Fiscal Year Budget is released to UEE public record at the end of October every year. The purpose of this instrument is to ensure transparency in our operations. Officer pay, administration and logistical costs are taken care of through the Office of Budget and Makeitrain, and any questions as to the usage of federal funds can be sent to their website.

If a UEE Marshal has reasonable belief that an asset (asset=ANY NOUN) is being utilized for the furthering of criminal activities, such as terrorist programs, drug crimes, and civil offenses, the UEE Marshal, under Title 37 Paragraph 4.2, is authorized to confiscate the asset for the purpose of disrupting said criminal activity, as the asset could potentially give benefit to an individual or criminal organization.

  • If a UEE Marshal is going to confiscate your assets, remain calm!
  • You will receive a court date and location to protest the asset forfeiture. Generally, the asset forfeiture cases are scheduled for Room 335-B at the UEE Federal Court for District SOL in Biloxi Mississippi. Please arrive early and bring any and all documentation pertaining to the case.
  • In Laymens Terms: Understand that in these cases, YOU are not on trial, YOUR STUFF IS. This means that you are not afforded the right to be represented by counsel or attorney services.
  • Your asset will be put on the stand and given the opportunity to answer questions from the Space District Attorney. If the asset is a chair, spaceship, or other noun that is not sentient and lacks the capability to answer questions, this may be used to infer an adverse inference against the asset.