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160th DOAR / DOAR

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Transport
  • Security

ROC Regiment’s mission is to organize, equip, train, resource, and employ dedicated dropship crews. Their Ships known as “Coffins”, these Pilots are recognized for their proficiency in Boarding, ,SAR, CAS, and High Intensity Transport Operations.


Many Orgs in the verse host their own Infantry Divisions. Yet very few offer a full time dropship corps to transport or work hand in hand with said Infantry. When Dropships are required, the role is often times filled by fighter pilots who’d be better served flying with their squadrons. Alternatively, many orgs will opt for their infantry to self-insert. Scuttling their transport afterwards or just ditching it all-together. Leaving them without a dedicated CAS element or a reliable method of extraction.

It was upon seeing this change in doctrine within orgs that the Roc Regiment was created.
A Dedicated regiment of Dropship Pilots with an acute focus on Infantry transport, boarding, SAR, and CAS operations.
A group willing to provide skilled transportation and security to anyone and everyone who requires it.


The 160th DOAR Mission Statement

The 160th Dropship Operations & Ass-kicking Regiment’s mission is to organize, equip, train, resource, and employ dedicated dropship crews. Known as ‘DOAR Kickers’ or ‘Coffins’, these Pilots are recognized for their proficiency in Boarding, CAS, and High Intensity Transport Operations. They are highly trained and ready to accomplish the toughest missions in all environments, across the verse, day or night, with unparalleled Precision.

The 160th DOAR is always seeking contracts with other orgs who do not have the man ability or willingness to provide their own dedicated Dropships or Crews. Or those looking to simply learn from the best. Recruiters are constantly looking for new pilots to join our ranks and applications will remain open at all times.

The DOAR Kickers Creed

Service in the 160th is a calling only a few will answer for the mission is constantly demanding and hard. And when the impossible has been accomplished the only reward is another mission that no one else will try. I pledge to maintain my body, mind and equipment in a constant state of readiness for I am a member of the fastest and most dependable Dropship Task Force in the verse, ready to move at a moment’s notice anytime, anywhere.

I guard my unit’s mission with secrecy, for my only true ally is the the void of space and the element of surprise. In battle, I eagerly meet the enemy for I volunteered to be up front where the fighting is hard.* I fear no foe’s ability, nor underestimate his will to fight. *

The mission and my precious cargo are my concern. I will never surrender. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy, and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my unit or those for whom we fly.

Gallantly will I show the verse and the elite forces I support that a DOAR Kicker is a specially selected and well trained soldier.

I serve with the memory and pride of those who have gone before me for they loved to fight, fought to win and would rather die than quit.

DOAR Kickers never quit, we deliver!

We are an ORG based on the principals and organizational structure of the 160th SOAR. Star Citizen is, however, a video game. And as such, absolute and life altering dedicated will never be a requirement. We believe in touching grass, then kicking ass!


The 160th DOAR operates on 3 pillars, integral to the operations of the Regiment:
  1. Communication
  2. Coordination
  3. Dedication

  • Communication is vital to the success of any operation, airborne or otherwise. We utilize and practice with a robust set of communication standards, developed over years of working with various Infantry units in Star Citizen. Prior to any operation working with other orgs we take time to establish proper communication channels and protocol. We value communication skills both on and off the clock!

  • Coordinating units in a combat space is never an easy feat. While Communication is the key to Coordination, there are times where coordinated movements and operations need to take place without the constant babysitting of command. This is especially the case when working closely with other Orgs as everyone operates with different styles. The 160th DOAR remaining consistently coordinated, even during the messiest of operations, is what sets us apart and will keep other organizations coming back to work with us.

  • The 160th DOAR is dedicated to the swift and scalpel like execution of any and all assigned objectives. With Infantry transport being the primary focus of the 160th, our pilots are laser focused on the safe delivery of the Infantry on board our ships, with all other objectives being secondary. Dropships are often referred to as “Coffins” due to the large number of assets aboard each ship with relatively minimal defenses. That is why our pilots will always focus on the safe delivery of their troops, even at the cost of their ship or their lives. This absolute and unwavering dedication to the dropship mission is what sets the 160th apart from other Dropship Pilots.