Diamondback Research and Exploration / DR3

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Diamond Back Research & Exploration was founded in 2085, long before the age of commonplace space travel. It was then, and is now, a tight knit organisation staying close to the founders original ideals of bringing cutting edge technology to furthest reaches of the worlds we inhabit, whilst advancing Science by means of Exploration.
DRE’s origins however can be traced back further than a mere date at Companies House.

The DeArcwell twins were born in England, Earth, on 15th June 1997. Both were christened Maximilian. In their early twenties, the twins formed a loose business partnership based around their mutual love of mountaineering, SCUBA diving, the great outdoors and simply “being first”. Following some minor Polar cartography successes and the notable 16K mapping of the Juan De Fuca Ridge in 2045, they were controversially awarded the not-for-profit contract to map, in unprecedented 32k detail, the Mariana Trench. Several companies had been vying for the United Nations cartography contract but the experience and reputation the twins had gained in mapping the Juan De Fuca Ridge was enough for them to win through.
One of the contract clauses Maximilian had “sneaked in under the radar” (his own words, taken from his autobiography of 2097, “Maximilian: 200 years in the making”) was that the twins were to be awarded mining rights to any minerals or metals found as a direct result of the mapping process. A master stroke of forward thinking by Maximilian. The UN contract was signed 28th October 2045, with the mapping process beginning several months later during June 2036.

The discovery of the DeArcwell Diamond Field in 2054, coincided with the Roberts Space Industries’ (RSI) desire for unprecedented quantities of large natural diamonds needed to further their research various technologies including the now famous “self-sustaining” Quantum Core Engine. The huge pressures at the bottom of the Trench proved to be the perfect environment for the creation of such large, flawless diamonds. Of the diamond field, Maximilian was later quoted as saying it was their “light at the end of a long and very dark tunnel”. The year 2073 saw the discovery of the Eye of Earth, a 5017 carat uncut diamond. The following year, EoE was gifted to all the peoples Earth by way of a donation to the United Nations. This gesture catapulted DRE into the public eye and placed them very much on the radar of RSI. During 2074, the forward thinking twins were able to negotiate a deal with RSI for the continued supply of diamonds in exchange for (amongst other concerns) several of the first commercially viable Quantum Drive Engines. Quantum Core Technology was in its infancy and wasn’t announced publicly until 03rd May 2075. QCT wouldn’t become commercially viable for a number of years, however this proved to be a further master stroke by the twins. Early access to Quantum Core Technology (in the form of a customised Zeus Starship in 2139, 18 months before the spacecraft was available to the general public) proved invaluable in the formative years of DRE, enabling the company to extensively map all the inner planets of the SOL solar system throughout the mid part of the 2100’s.

By 2082, the loose partnership enjoyed by the twins since the mid 2020’s, was proving to be an inadequate platform for business growth. A larger, more robust, platform was needed to handle the huge contracts and considerable logistical demands needed to supply RSI. And on a personal note, the Twins desire for exploration and the great unknown was no longer being met by the partnership.
In order to concentrate on more fulfilling endeavours, the mutual decision to step back from day to day operations taken. Diamondback Research and Exploration was incorporated 18th November, 2085. The Twins remained as majority shareholders.
The profitable link with RSI continued for over 100 years, supplying diamonds for not only the Quantum Core project, but also for the first stages of laser development required by RSI’s Terraforming Technologies (cica 2113), and the new Poseidon spacecraft (capable of flight speeds of 1/100th the speed of light). The DeArcwell Diamond Field was eventually depleted and declared exhausted in early 2221.

Today, DRE continues to further the development of Human kind through research and exploration, pushing ever deeper into space looking for new discoveries, new technologies, new races and, of course, DeArcwell Diamond Field II.

The DeArcwell Twins spent their twilight years looking down on the Earth they knew so well from their orbital platform home in geostationary orbit of the DeArcwell Diamond Field.
The funds raised through the mining of the Mariana Trench and the creation of DRE allowed the twins, in their retirement years, to oversee the 128K mapping of Earth’s entire seabed.
The Twins died of natural causes in 2116, within 36 hours of each other. They were 119 years young.
In accordance with their wishes, they were buried deep within the Mariana Trench.
Their exact resting place is unknown.



Real Life Stuff.

This sort of stuff shouldn’t be needed but previous experiences say otherwise, so here goes.

Diamondback Research and Exploration (DRE) has been formed by a relatively small bunch of largely English speaking (grunting, in some cases) MMO Gamers who have been together since the first twitchings of SWG (feels much, much longer). Many MMO’s have been played in the intervening years. Some more memorable than others.
The in-game DRE Manifesto tries to encompass all types of gameplay. Much is tolerated. Much isn’t.

This isn’t a democracy. It’s (at best) a dictatorship. The CEO’s decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding said decisions. The rules and guidelines may change over time and may be applied retrospectively.
Guidelines along with some do and don’ts are listed below. Adherence to them is compulsory. Most (if not all) though shouldn’t even need to be mentioned.
Failure to adhere to this list will result in removal from DRE. The list is not exhaustive and is in no particular order. When all said and done though, we are here to have fun.

1. Have fun.
2. Do not neglect real life.
3. Share. Share Time. Share Resources. Share Experiences. Share.
4. The game time of some (most) members is limited by real-life considerations. Do not expect members to drop everything just because you can’t find XYZ etc. Help will come. Eventually.
5. No Toxicity. Be pleasant. Don’t be annoying. Don’t be an ****, life is too short.
6. Don’t forget to leave the Star Citizen Universe from time to time. Enjoy real life!
7. Interact with DRE members. We have in-game forums and a Discord channel. Keep it squeaky clean.
8. Feel free to ask for in-game help. There is no harm in asking. Just do not expect others to drop what they are doing purely to assist you. Help will come. Eventually.
9. Have fun.
10. Do not neglect real life.
11. Monitor DRE forums. It is not compulsory to contribute to the forums.
12. DRE forums are to be regarded as Certificate PG, though we do assume a certain level of maturity. I myself am a fat, balding Yorkshireman, the wrong side of 50 but, we have some members who are not.
13. There are no age limitations within DRE but, bear-in-mind, especially if you are a parent vetting us, we consider our chat and forums to be Certificate PG.
14. No commenting on Race / Religion / Sex / Politics. Such things tend to lend themselves to a toxic environment.
15. Have fun.
16. Do not neglect real life.
17. No Foul and/or Abusive language, either in-game or in the forums.
18. No disrespecting others, either in-game or in the forums.
19. No Cheating. No use of Hacks/Exploits.
20. No Griefing. Star Citizen is both PvE and PvP but, No Griefing. DRE has created a game-play mechanic that allows for the shady world of PvP. This is not an open pass for Griefing.
21. Have fun.
22. Do not neglect real life.
23. After a suitable probationary period, the designated DRE Fleet will be opened for members to use. Dependent upon game mechanics, there will be varying levels of fleet access. For example level 1 access may allow fleet Auroras to be flown. Level 10 access may have access all areas privileges. Any access will be subject to the following provisos: a. Once used, the vehicle should be (as close as possible) returned to where it was taken and in the state it was borrowed. That means, repaired, refueled and rearmed etc. b. It is not compulsory for members to make any or all of their ships available to DRE members. c. If a member wants their vehicle returned, every effort should be made to return it in the proper state, asap.
24. Have fun.
25. Do not neglect real life.