Draconian Empire / DRACOEMPIR

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

“Where no man dares to tread, The Empire lays claim”

“If you want peace, prepare for war”


A Draconian Empire lore exists but as part of our lore this information is not discussed with outsiders.


  • Do you have a soul that desires the stars?
  • Are you looking to belong as a member of a community that will support you?
  • Do you want someone you can trust to watch your back in the darkest places?

The Draconian Empire is a self-sustaining community with jobs in every walk of life within the verse, be it civilian or military. To be a citizen of the empire you accept your role within the community as a functioning member of a growing Empire! We shall see everything there is to see, know what there is to know and go where no others dare to go, then claim it as our own if it suits us! Together AS ONE!
We shall stride the stars and place outposts to aid our citizens in the verse as needed, travelling together into the darkness we have our military fleet and marines as our swords and shields. They shall protect our civilian fleet while carving a safe path for them in space, that normal men stand still with fear to enter.

Wealth of the empire means wealth for us all, we all work for the empire and in turn we need not pay for supplies or equipment(it get issued based on your job), we simply put in a requisition order and if we have it in storage and can be spared(prioritised depending on who needs it most at the time, whatever it is) it gets shipped to you! Everyone gets a wage for their career path and for their secondary job(s) (if you want to have any) and incomes can be made with hobbies the same as jobs. We make money for the empire and we get paid by the empire, the more wealth the org bank gets the more we each get paid as part of the % growth economy. Your own money then is your own, so if you want something that you wouldn’t have issued to you for your job, buy it with you own money ;)

Here are some of the jobs available within the empire.

Military Service
  • Fleet
  • Marines
Industrial Sector
  • Mining
  • Refining
  • Salvage
  • Maintenance
  • Storage & Logistics
Science Division
  • Medical
  • Agricultural
  • Advanced Engineering
  • Research
Commerce & Administration
  • Traders
  • Admin
  • Diplomacy

While not looking to cause crime we will do what we must when the situation calls for it, survival comes first. Our main income will likely be from trading what we mine, make, find or salvage from the verse that is surplus to us and data that we allow to be sold. Other incomes will come from external contracts for our goods, services and expertise for hire.

Our word is our bond be it for good or ill. Friends will be treated as honoured guests, enemies of the empire test that as you will and what happens next is on you, an attack on one is an attack on ALL!


Some common sense guidelines stuff like:
  • being decent to you fellow draconian citizen
  • help not hinder your fellow draconian citizen
  • keep civil, disagreements will happen but thats no excuse not to be civil about it
  • banter is fine but read the room and dont go over the top
  • every citizen represents the empire so be true to your word and do us all proud we’ll be there to support you
  • role-play is allowed but not expected, if you play along when it happens then im sure it will be appreciated

Further information will be displayed on the spectrum forums.

If you are wanting to join but dont have an account yet, set one up! While setting up an account you can use a referral code to get an extra 5000 UEC starting money.

Referral Code: STAR-JHBJ-X54Y