Dire Radiant / DRADIANT

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

He lies ever upon his hoard, his heart jealous and mean.
Never believe he has nodded because his eyes have closed.
The dragon never sleeps. — Kez Maefele, speaking to the Dire Radiant

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The remnant of the final resistance of the Ku Rebellion, Dire Radiant is led by the few remaining individuals from the long lived wizard and warrior ghifu. These leaders have long struggled against the strangling suffocation of Cannon/UEE rule, yet in recent times, they have come to recognize that there are outsider forces such as Vanduuls that present a far worse fate/future.

The Dire Radiant applauds recent self governance of Stanton planets yet also sees the seed of miniaturized totalitarianism in some recent developments too. They remain ever vigilant against backsliding towards UEE strangulation and equally vigilant versus new tyrants from within Stanton.


The fundamental tenet of the Dire Radiant is an opposition to all forms of Tyranny tempered by an understanding that without any controlling governance free peoples quickly become slaves to local strongmen or external invaders. Our mission is to maintain strength and tip the scales against tyranny whilst also orchestrating the defeat of the Vanduul horde.

Members are encouraged to build wealth and equipment via any means that does not itself constitute tyranny. Thus Piracy and hostage taking are forbidden, but there are no other discouraged activities except interference with the exploits of other members. Practically this means it’s fine to help the UEE or local governments with bounties on non-members, and also fine to ignore the oppressive UEE regulations as required.

All members have a duty to oppose piracy and similar tyranny by other players.



  1. No Piracy (see definition below)
  2. Attack and kill Pirates where found
  3. Support efforts against the Vandul
  4. Members must never harm other members
  5. Build Economic and Military strength
  6. Prefer guile to outright violence where possible
  7. Game exploits should be reported as bugs, and not abused.

Adherence to the above is sufficient “role play” otherwise you are your own individual.


  • Recruit / Spotter – Just joined, have not teamed up for a fight yet, Or (spotter) you joined wit the intention of providing reports of pirate activity
  • Private – Have teamed up with other members in a fight, wasn’t a disaster.
  • Seargent – Organized/led a fight, lent ships or otherwise provided more than your single seater and it’s guns several times
  • Corporal – Regular organizer, provider of fully staffed Large ships, or multiple medium ships. Frequently available
  • Warrior – Key Organizer, able to provide and organize staffing of capital class ships
  • Wizard – Organization leader, all wizards are also officers.

Recruit/Spotter members need only follow the rules loosely, with the exception of engaging in PvP piracy, which is a conflict of interest we cannot ignore. Accepting a promotion to private or beyond requires your best efforts.

Definition of Piracy

Piracy for the purposes of this organization is the wonton disruption of play for other players. Some examples:

  1. Denying players access to an area of the game individually or as part of a group (such as “closing” Port Olisar)
  2. Killing players for no good reason, including pad ramming, and attacking just because they are the other color.
  3. Killing players just to aquire their eqipment/ships/cargo or salvage the remains of their ship.

Piracy does not include justified in-game combat nor does it include all non-legal activity. The following are perfectly fine:

  1. Hunting players for whom the game has issued a bounty or contract
  2. Smuggling contraband goods.
  3. knocking out satellites or other UEE infrastructure to allow assault on UEE/Stanton NPC assets without getting a crime stat.
  4. Being “red”

Recommended Reading: The Dragon Never Sleeps by Glen Cook.