The Dragon Born / DRAGONBORN

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Freelancing

The Dragon born are Devoted to building up the Strengths and Recognise the Weaknesses of our fellow Clan mates to Improve them personally so as to strengthen the group as a whole.


In 2607 Alexandra Jubari Founded the Dragon Born as a Para Military Group After being Stranded for 3 years on a isolated jungle planet when she was shot down at the Onset of the Second Tevarian war. She Developed Tennets of Survival that are the Core of the Orginization she came to forge. Named after a pair of Zelthaks that share some common Respemblence to ancient tales of dragons that were her only companions on the planet she had crashed on. in a desperate bid for survival she had killed their mother in self defense and Discoverd the beast had 2 new born pups in a pouch while skinning it for the meat. after raiseing the pups the trio were inseperable and she used them to hunt, for protection, and in the end to help her get off the planet. back in civilization her skills and insticnts did not mesh well with civilian life so she formed a PMC to fight for thouse who needed Strength.


The Dragon Born Value one thing over anything Else. Power. Reguardless if it is by wealth, Strength, or cunning, Acumilation of Personal power strengthens the group as a whole. The Dragon born are a lose Afiliated group of comrades who will help each other if abel but their is no strict adherance to timeframes or demands of participation. we want people to want to do things toghther not force people to cooperate when they would rather be doing something else. depending on the structure of the game we may plan events ahead of time but nothing will ever be mandatory, this is a game afterall we want to have fun not a second job.


The 5 Tennets of the Dragon Born 1) Obtain your Dragons Horde. The Pursuite of wealth comes in many forms. Targets of Opertunity, Defense contracts, put opertunities to improve your welth should allways be taken. 2) Dragons never lie. at least not directly. Honuring your word with your deeds is of paramount for only by proveing you can be trusted will you obtain the bigest wealth. 3) Help clanmates in need when you can but allways help clanmates in distress. 4) Know your Weakness better than your Strengths and improve them. You must know your fualts before you can fix them. Only Practicing the things you are good at will Enhance your weakness and will leave you vulnerable. 5) Give aid to thouse in need. Unexpected rewards can come in unexpected ways .