Dragon Industries Transport / DRAGONINC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Transport

Dragon Industries is a starter company. Created and propitiated by Glitchie the Dragon aka Alkronys HalvDragon. His dream is to make it one of the largest Trade Companies in the Verse. His vision was to span the stars with trade ship bearing his logo. His ideals and the promise of continuous growth.


Dragon Industries was created by a single individual. An individual with a dream. To become one of the largest Trading Companies in the Verse.
Founded by Glitchie the Dragon aka Alkronys Halvdragon in the year 2498 with but a single Freelancer Max. Glitchie hopes to one day boast several hundred ships that span the entire galaxy.
Thanks to profit growth and dedication, in 2449 Glitchie was able to upgrade the fleet to a Caterpillar and from there things really got rolling.
In 2450, Glitchie had optimized trade routes and grown in capital so much that he sold his Caterpillar and picked up a Carrack. Finally enabling him to get into the ship and passenger transport industry.

Always seeking those that can share his vision, Glitchie can be found flitting around the Stanton System, trading and transporting while trying to grow his fleet.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.