Clan of the Dragon / DRAGONKIN

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Freelancing

The Dragon is Wealth,

The Dragon is Flight,

The Dragon is Strength,

The Dragon is Freedom,

The Dragon is Life,

We… are the Dragon.


In eons past, the ‘Clan of the Dragon’ were powerful. ‘The First Wing’ rivaled the greatest of outlaw fleets in the known universe. Time, however, has not been our ally.

Drunk with Power, our leaders squandered our forces.
Blinded by Greed, our clansmen bit off more than they could chew.
Reckless with Pride, our young did not know the meaning of the word, retreat.

Now, all that remains is a broken Clan, held together by nothing more than Loyalty.

What was once ‘The First Wing’ had become little more than a scrapyard of obsolete and poorly maintained vessels, with only some of the more rugged remnants still proving to be void-worthy.

To return to the ‘Clan of the Dragon’ to its former glory, the fat needed to be trimmed.

Ships were gutted for parts, and many of those parts were sold through old fences and intermediaries.

Even the flagship of ‘The First Wing’, an Idris-M obtained through means long forgotten, had its mighty railgun gutted from it to feed the creation of ‘The Small Wing’, an assortment of modernized craft and those aged ships which could be revitalized.

Our current Dragonlord and inheritor of the ‘Small Wing,’ Draconalis, sees the end of our proud line. He seeks to bolster our clan. Populate it and grow. Man our fleet, and become great once again.

But it is a monumental task… and we are barely more than scavengers of the deep, living off whatever we manage to find.

Will the dragon’s blood die with us? Or will people willing to find the ultimate freedom which our ancient ancestor personified, and save us in our time of need?

Only Time will tell… and Time… is not our ally.



The Clan of the Dragon is a long standing gathering of people which spans back near twenty years. We welcome like minded people who enjoy banter and are not fans of drama.

Some of us within the clan have a touch of the RPers soul, this next part is for them and anyone interested further.

IC Clan set up:

The Clan of the Dragon are a group of pirates who value freedom above all else, save loyalty. We spend much time in the depths of space, and the group as a whole has gone a tad mad.

Every Clansman honestly believes they are descended from dragons. We believe the blood of the dragon runs in our veins, even if the impurity of it is so great that scanners cannot pick it up. It’s there, we’re sure of it.

Ultimately, we are pirates that think we are dragons, and thus we model our actions after those of a dragon. We display power, wisdom, might, greed and a love of milk.


Freedom is our charge.

Do as you will, when you will.

But there is one over arching law.

Loyalty within the Clan is key.

For every drop of our blood you spill, we will spill a gallon.