The Dread Legion / DRED

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

The Dread Legion is a PMC founded on Auraxis with a special focus on teamwork, speed, and adaptability. We are a dedicated community of combat-oriented players, both on the ground and in the black, who excel in small-scale tactics and strategy.


The Dread Legion was founded on Auraxis in 2013, as a small-scale tactical Private Military Company run by the charismatic duo of “Odin” and “CK69”. Though its initial focus was on ground-based tactical combat units, as times changed and the need for space-based PMCs became paramount, The Dread Legion set its sights on the stars. With over three years of experience and a dedicated core of pilots, gunners, engineers, and commandos, The Dread Legion is ready to take on the challenges of a new frontier of combat, strategy, and exploration.

Visit our website and learn more about our company.


The Dread Legion is a dedicated group of players who enjoy advanced tactics and teamwork. Our focus can be summed up by the following core values of the company:

Teamwork – Working together to accomplish goals and streamline processes. Lone wolves are a detriment to the effectiveness of unit and squadron-based tactics. It is only through our unity and cohesiveness that we find success where others fail.

Speed – Being ready and able to deploy and react at a moment’s notice. This is a key part of our tactics.

Adaptability – The ability to adjust to situations and be flexible to the ever-changing tactical situation.

Every member of The Dread Legion is expected to abide by these values, as well as keep the charter in mind while acting on behalf of the company.

We are primarily a combat-oriented company, focusing on security operations and freelance work. These jobs include tactical interdiction, patrol and convoy duty, rescue and recovery operations, and escort missions; both on the ground and in the black. The Dread Legion hopes to become an organization that is called upon to protect others from the less savory side of the ‘verse.

Our reputation as a PMC that gets the job done in the face of overwhelming odds is already well known. We pride ourselves on our teamwork and “esprit de corps”. This is a new frontier with new opportunities beyond what we’ve ever done before, and we’re seeking to expand beyond our ground-combat roots to play a role in the black with pilots, engineers, gunners, and boarding and recovery specialists.



Membership is given to players who fit the criteria and when outfit command agrees they will be an asset to the group. Membership can be denied or revoked for any reason at anytime by outfit command

1) Microphone – In order to have an effective team we need fast communications. Without a mic a player has to rely on text chat, which will not work for this unit for obvious reasons. If you don’t have a microphone you must show you are able to follow verbal commands. Officer ranks will require a microphone.

2) Game Knowledge – We accept new and veteran players alike. Fresh recruits should be willing to learn and veterans should be willing to help. This unit is looking for players who have/want to have a solid grasp of how Star Citizen works. This way we can try more advanced tactics and work better as a team.

Expectations and Standards

To remain a member of this unit members must uphold these expectations and standards.

1) Team player – Staying with your squadron or unit and working with them to accomplish an objective. Picking a loadout that helps the squad. Lone wolves will not be tolerated when this squad is running.

2) Communication Skills – Knowing when using your mic is appropriate and not. How to properly call out hostiles. We will be going over the guidelines for these and members are expected to remember.

3) Participation – As a member you are expected to participate with the outfit during ops, practices, and on the forum. We know people have lives and it’s a game so 100% participation is not required, but regular participation is expected.

Code of Conduct

Members of this PMC are expected to follow this code of conduct. If you wear our tag you represent the company, your actions reflect on all of us.
1) Racism, Bigotry, or Hate speech will not be tolerated. There are no exceptions to this rule.

2) Team Killing on purpose is not acceptable. Revenge killing is not acceptable. TKing on accident too much will lead to disciplinary action.

3) Trolling and being a dick to the extreme is not allowed. The leaders hold final say over what is and is not appropriate.

Discipline and Demotion

Rule of VETO – NO ranks other than the command ranks are immune to the veto: If you and 2 other members have concerns or doubts that a ranking official of higher rank isn’t fulfilling their duties, is abusing power or is breaking these rules, you can contact either OdinsPride or Coolkid69 directly and they may be demoted or removed from the outfit after investigation. It is completely anonymous and will help to keep the system honest.