Drop Bears / DRPBRS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Resources


A history of the Drop Bears

After coming from various diverse organizations, a group of like minded Aussies joined and met within the Australian Time Zone branch, Aurora, of the Skunk Works Organization run by Katie Byrne.
One fateful New Years eve, our ground force unit was disbanded from the org.
Phoenix86 from Phoenix Operations picked up most of the pieces and kept the Org running under the new banner.
Unfortunately the new Org, Phoenix Operations, was more centered around the US time zones, and wasn’t really catering for the other battle groups from around the globe.
So we at Aurora felt best served by severing ties and starting out on our own. A first group left Phoenix headed by Sting-Array and the rest of the group followed headed by HoundOfChaos. After a while both groups amalgamated under the Drop Bears banner.

And here we stand, united


Drop Bears is an Industrial PMC org focused on Anti piracy, logistics and mercenary game play .

Anti Piracy: Game play is primarily based around fighter escorts for logistic services from in house and friendly players.

Logistics: Cargo running and salvaging assisted by fighter escort where necessary.

Mercenary: FPS combat against NPC’s and hostile players.


1: First and foremost Have Fun Remember: It’s only a game

2: Please be respectful at all times No trolling, bullying or personal attacks/insults Jokes are jokes but attacking someone’s character or personal circumstances is not on

3: Any Member found attacking another Member in game especially during Official Ops will face disciplinary action at the Senior Staffs discretion

4: Drop Bears is not a Democracy – Staff decisions/actions are final and are not open for debate. That said, there will be times when community voting is requested for event specifics – these occasions will be clearly indicated.

5: Org armor is to be worn as often as possible.

6: Leave the real world at the door

7: If you’re offended easily this is not the Organization for you

8: If in doubt ask!

9: Don’t be a Dick