Dark Star Cosmic Solutions / DSCSS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Engineering
  • Exploration

Getting you there. Taking you farther.


It all started with one man, one vision and a single promise. There was a small mineral extraction colony run by a modest-sized company focused on expansion and profits. The economic system was socialist-aligned, as were many of the first colonies, mainly due to survival taking precedent over personal profit. The President of the mining company had earned a reputation of being tight-fisted with both his wallet and his employees. It was living up to this reputation that inevitably caused the terrible tragedy that befell the small colony.

Due to the slowly-growing population of the worker colony, the CEO had no choice but to expand the colonial facilities to house his workforce. He purchased dated, cut-rate hab-modules and made the colonial employees execute the hab-module integration into the existing structures. This move was calculated to ensure minimum fiscal investment and maximum workforce efficiency, but failed to take into account the lack of structural engineering background of his employees and the additional structures incompatibility with the pre-existing colonial hardware. When containment seals binding the new structures to the old failed, families that had already settled in were among the first to perish. Automated distress beacons sent out the first and only wave of emergency broadcasts just before the main colonial reactor was rapidly decompressed and exploded in a small nuclear-fusion blast that incinerated almost the entire colony in an instant.

One nearby ship picked up the distress call and immediately changed course, ejecting the cargo into the vacuum of space to make room for possible survivors. The pilot QT’d to the planet and could see the dissipating mushroom cloud from orbit. He and his Co-pilot headed in the direction of the blast and were devastated by the horrific carnage that sprawled out in front of them. Dismissing the overwhelming wave of hopelessness, they began scanning the remaining mutilated structures for survivors. Together, they managed to resuce 15 people from the ruins that day. 15 of 3400 colonists survived because of the heroic actions of one man and his co-pilot, their names?

Traven Riftwalker, Pilot.
Istvaan Tycho, Co-Pilot.

Together, they brought the 15 surviving colonists to a nearby orbital station, calling in the emergency as far ahead of themselves as they could to give the medical teams a chance to mobilize. The colonists told both men what had happened and how their colony had perished because of the CEOs unrelenting greed. Along the short journey one of the colonists died in her sons arms, a boy of 12 by the name of Caiden. Hearing the commotion, Traven left the ship to his Co and went to the back of their Freelancer to find out what was happening. He looked down at the boy sitting on the floor holding his dead mother and decided that he could not allow this to happen again.

He went on to found Dark Star Cosmic Solutions along with his Co-pilot, a multi-faceted corporation with the best interest of people as it’s core value. Dedicated to the enrichment and betterment of mankind through the use of technology, logistics, research, security and above all integrity.

DSCSS is there for you, watching your back, taking you farther, faster, safer than anyone else in the Verse.

Why us? That’s simple, because we can, because we will, because we care.

DSCSS. Getting you there. Taking you farther…


Dark Star Cosmic Solutions is a corporation based primarily on exploration and industry, but also other ventures in the ‘verse. It is our intention to gain wealth and prosperity by conducting business at multiple levels and in a manner that is self sustaining. We seek to supply our operations from within as much as possible. This includes the search for and exploitation of natural resources, salvage operations, transport of goods, construction and management of corporate facilities as well as security for corporate operations. DSCSS will always seek to employ our own assets and members before outsourcing.

It is our intention to set up an industrial complex in UEE space with outposts placed as needed. Utilizing our Consolidated Outland Pioneer we will build our own facilities, as well as hire out our services for clients wishing to establish their own outposts. As the ‘verse expands and opens up DSCSS stands ready with a well rounded fleet ready to tackle operations in any arena.

Membership in DSCSS is more than a glorified communication network. Benefits of membership include a merit based system of promotion, where any dedicated member can secure higher pay in return for their contributions to the corporation. DSCSS will feature a profit share business model. With this system the corporation’s profit each week will be tallied and split in half. The first half will be utilized by the Board Members to re-invest in the corporation, paying for corporate operating costs, materials and services. The second half will be distributed to the active members of that week based on their pay grade or rank within the corporation. This system ensures that as the corporation achieves more success, that success is passed on to the active members who made it possible. Members are not mandated to take part in any corporate activities, but are highly encouraged. Minimal participation in operations limits promotion opportunity and results in the minimum pay out from the corporation.

The Board Members and Directors will be charged with organizing, managing and leading corporate events utilizing whatever technological means the ‘verse allows. It will be made very clear to active members what DSCSS needs done and what the rewards are for accomplishing tasks set out.

Openings for proven trustworthy members into management will be available.

Items in this document are subject to change to better fit the ‘verse as we begin to explore it.




Members of EVERY rank and title are mandated to be respectful to other members of the corporation as well as conduct themselves in a civil and respectful manner when dealing with any other person or entity in the verse. Failure to abide by and uphold this Core Operating Principle will result in removal from this corporation.


All members should strive to operate by high character standards. The character of our members defines the character of our corporation. A corporation without positive character does poor business. Members are directed to refrain from actions and statements that would exhibit poor character in themselves and ultimately DSCSS.


The unity of a group is what separates a corporation from individuals. As we pool our efforts, our success exceeds the sum of our contributions. This principle drives members of DSCSS to work in unity to accomplish corporate goals that also foster individual members success in the ‘verse.