Delta Strike Force / DSFN

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

“Delta Strike Force – The History of our deeds will go unnoticed, but the outcomes of our deeds will change history!”

These words outline how we operate among the Stars. Covertly. Taking on small missions that have big impact! Come join our team of professionals, and set yourself apart!!


Delta Strike Force – A unit formed in late 2945 to combat the twisted evil’s of UEE Space and beyond. A unit designed to leave no trace and use deadly force as needed. Currently a knife in the overall arsenal of UEE leadership, our unit is designed to help the needy achieve their goals. Sharp, pointed and effective. Its general mission is to help realign the misaligned, to guide the misguided and eliminate the rest by any means necessary. It’s more pointed mission is to preserve and protect the people of UEE Space while making a profit doing so. DSFN takes on missions that no other unit would. Its Para Military designation makes it a perfect case for high level government officials and powerful Organizations alike to invoke plausible deniability. The unit does not exist officially and operates on that grey line within the law.

If your looking for an Organization that will differentiate you from the masses, actually DO missions in world, test the resolve of its targets and is ready to go at a moments notice then DSFN is your unit. Make NO mistake, this is a PVP Organization. We are driven by the teamwork and success of our missions that are derived from the history and lore of our universe. If your looking for an organization to fill that need, THEN LOOK NO FURTHER! Sign up now by pressing that Join Now button, and we will see you in Discord to get you Vetted!!


It is Delta Strike’s Forces mission to help preserve stability in the Stanton System and it’s neighbors. To this end, the small group of elite fighters and consultants operates covertly to further the goals of the UEE. It takes orders from a publicly unknown entity and uses its forces to further to goals of the UEE.

Although the group is a para military group, it follows military doctrine and ranking systems. It also employs the aid of consultants to provide outside intelligence as needed.


Delta Strike Force would be totally a mission based Organization. Itwill be a more Mission based more hands on More SC Lore based gaming experience for the Unit.

The squads withing the Unit or perhaps the entire Unit would do a few missions a month. These missions would be Lore based and be injected into current affairs that are happening at the time. Mission outcomes would carry over to the next week. So depending on the outcome of the current mission the next mission is a direct follow on from the mission you would be doing currently.

We are also in talks with other Organizations to provide OP4 resistance fighters to make the missions more real and give it a more real feel to the missions.

Time commitments vary as the player sees fit. They could show on Mission night, read the OPORD for the evening and go, or they could be involved in the evolution of the Unit as a whole. The more participation and inclusion in Unit affairs the more opportunities for advancement will be available.

It is my aim to include DSFN (Delta Strike Force – New Babbage) in as many cross org alliances as possible to get the widest exposure.

I challenge you to find another Unit that is small and capable and has a clear set of objectives and ACTUALLY gets involved in current game play.

It is Delta Strike’s Forces mission to help preserve stability in the Stanton System and it’s neighbors. To this end, the small group of elite fighters and consultants operates covertly to further the goals of the UEE. It takes orders from a publicly unknown entity and uses its forces to further to goals of the UEE.

Although the group is a para military group, it follows military doctrine and ranking systems. It also employs the aid of consultants to provide outside intelligence as needed.