DSG / DSG2023

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Welcome to our Organization Page. Feel free to browse our members but if you want to join our Org feel free to check out our Recruitment Section!


[ 7/20/2023 ] – Org Creation


The main founders of DSG Corp all served on the same ship on different stations in the last conflict know as Operation Mandrake which occurred in the year of 2946. These founders were taking a part in the Militia Mobilization Initiative which was created by the United Empire of Earth in 2946 to protect the general public from the Vanduul and any other aggressive forces. As the war drew to a close these founders came together and created this corporation. Their main goals are to help others that request their assistance and explore new beginning’s.


Code of conduct.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with our Organization’s rules.

The following behaviour will not be tolerated:

- Cheating or using exploits.
- Excessive language.
- Racism, sexism, ageism or other derogatory behaviour.
- Behavior that will negatively impact the name of the organization.


- Keep any channels free of Grey Market conversation, take it to the appropriate servers and forums.
- Treat all server members with respect, a disagreement or debate is acceptable, name-calling and insults are not.
- Respect other member’s personal info and privacy, Doxxing will result in a ban.