Deep Trading Consortium / DTC

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Getting your cargo from A to B without questions or problems

DTC is an organization that differentiates itself through dedicated and discrete trading activities.
We transport cargo of all sizes and across all distances.

Our Website


Earth’s 18th century utilitarian Jeremy Bentham once said: “One must strive for the greatest utility”, which we intend to do. The end justifies the means, and we will make sure you indeed “achieve the greatest utility”.

Throughout history, this principle of utility has been of the utmost importance to society by enticing mankind to strive for better and better results.
It is not strange that because of this, the Deep Trading Consortium was founded when the Second Tevarin war began in 2603, in which DTC played a part in supplying the UPE’s forces to fight that war. During this time, DTC achieved major net incomes, and expanded as a relatively small organization to a medium-sized one.


But the times of wealth and profit were over when the Second Tevarin war ended in 2610, when Tevarin leader Corath’Thal’s fleet was nearly completely destroyed above the former Tevarin Homeworld now called Elysium IV. Without the war, DTC revenue soon dried up, and the organization was forced to take any job it could get to survive.
Things worsened when DTC leadership openly supported Senator Assan Kieren’s anti-military campaign in an attempt to create goodwill amongst potential customers. Imperator Messer XI used his propaganda to discredit every party who joined Senator Kieren’s cause, which resulted in the layoff of nearly 50% of employees, throwing DTC-operations back to nearly nothing.


The level of activity remained low for the next century, during which DTC had to result to smuggling operations…until 2757. During that year it became apparent that humanity had enough of the Imperator’s rule, and resistance built up. Due to hesitation of other trading organizations to supply the Resistance, the Resistance searched for a supplier they knew wouldn’t. One of those organizations was DTC. After all, it was one of the last organizations that still existed that supported Senator Assan Kieren’s anti-military stance. The organization was relieved it had found a regular customer, especially because DTC leadership considered the option to disband the old trading company that, under harsh times, still managed to keep it’s head above the water. Times still were harsh, but better.


The real upturn for DTC came with the massacre of Garron II in 2792, when a terraforming company was granted terraforming rights over the planet, which had sentient primitive life thriving on it. It became apparent that the terraforming company had close ties with the Imperator’s family, and humanity revolted against the government, overthrowing the line of Messer and making the position of “Imperator” an elected one with a maximum term of ten years. DTC picked the fruit of this revolt, and managed to achieve a reasonable profit once again.

After achieving profits and goodwill again, DTC managed to get a partial government contract to supply the construction of the Ark, a repository of culture for every race to access, in 2800.

Assertive Response

In 2854 information became available that the organization leader at the time, Karl Harding, was secretly stealing and whitewashing money for some time. Harding was dismissed and put on trial. He was unable to pay back his stolen money, and the organization lost millions because of this theft, resulting in a loss of market share which hit the company even harder. Because of this, major shareholders sold their stock back to the company and because of that the company was able to appoint it’s own leadership. 87% of the company’s employees opted for a change in leadership structure and decided that DTC would from now on be led by three Fleet Admirals, each focusing on their own division: Trade Initiative, Exploration Directive or Consortium Fleet.

When a major DTC trade convoy was hit by Vanduul in the outer sectors of UEE territory in 2901, Consortium leadership quickly founded the Emergency Response Fleet to protect it’s assets. This response was deemed successfull, and the ERF was later renamed to simply the Consortium Fleet.


In 2944, talks have begun about joining an alliance of organizations for mutual protection and trade, with members being Vesuvian Fleet, Dark Horizon, Sera Consulting and Terran Trading Company. If successful, DTC will be the fifth and final Alliance Council member.

On Monday, August 11th, 2944, all parties agreed on the alliance proposal and henceforth DTC and allies have founded the Coalition of Independent Powers (CIP)


Dedicated to Trade, wherever it is profitable

The DTC is the premium trading organization for all your needs.
The entire organization is organized to provide top notch efficiency in communications so our service can stay unmatched.

Our view is to make profits wherever we seem fit to make them. This is why the DTC has endured for centuries, even under harsh circumstances. Trading is our main objective, although Exploration is deemed necessary for the discovery of profitable trade routes, resources and more.


Trade Initiative

The Trade Initiative is led by Fleet Admiral Hill and is the backbone of DTC. Recruitment for this division is open.

Exploration Directive

The Exploration Directive is led by Fleet Admiral Kage. Relatively small, it has been able to find profitable trade routes that have been essential to DTC’s survival. Recruits can apply for this division.

Consortium Fleet

The Consortium Fleet was formed by necessity and is currently led by Fleet Admiral and Co-CEO Arcturius Ranor. Since it’s creation it has successfully defended Consortium Assets for several decades. Recruits can apply for this division, but are encouraged to inquire about other division first because of the size of the current Consortium Fleet.

Ranking System

All of the current ranks are temporary. The persistence universe isn’t out yet and there aren’t many ways to allow people to prove their ranks. When we are further in to the development of Star Citizen the ranks will be able to be earned based on a analysis of contribution, skill, dedication, insight, teamwork and cooperation.

We are open to all members who wish to be part of a organized dedicated organization. We don’t require a certain amount of hours for you to join us, we require that members follow our charter of rules in any activities that they are participating.

Rank names and functions are subject to change.

  • Ensign

The rank given to new members of DTC.

  • Lieutenant

This rank is given to experienced and active members of DTC.

  • Commander

Reserved for experienced pilots who are able to command their own squadron of fighters or trading ships.

  • Captain

A captain is in control of a convoy of small fleet spanning multiple squadrons.

  • Admiral

An admiral is in control of a fleet spanning multiple convoys of small fleets.

  • Fleet Admiral

Fleet Admirals they are in charge of one division and need to guide and manage their division to maximum efficiency.

Roles within DTC

  • Board of Directors

For the founders of the Deep Trading Consortium, these ranks are unobtainable.

  • Chief Executive Officer

The most senior executive in charge of managing responsibilities as a director, decision maker, leader, manager and executor. The CEO reports to the board of directors.

  • Chief Marketing Officer

The most senior executive in charge of managing responsibilities concerning marketing, forging the brand DTC and the public image.

  • Chief Financial Officer

The most senior executive responsible for financial planning and record-keeping, as well as financial reporting to higher management, also responsible for analysis of data. The CFO reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer.

  • Chief Sales Officer.

A spokesman for the Deep Trading Consortium, master of the tongue their goal is to find customers and supplier for the DTC.


  • What are the goals of the Deep Trading Consortium?

The DTC is a profit organization, it’s goal is to be the quality trading organization for all potential customers.
It aims to be and stay neutral in all political and social conflicts.

  • What can you tell me about the founders of the Deep Trading Consortium?

The founders are part of a community called 4LAN, who are very energetic about Star Citizen and have experience playing many other space sims and games. They are all very friendly and are open to contact.
We all understand that life comes first and a game is a just a game.

  • Am I able to grow within the Deep Trading Consortium?

Yes of course! We encourage our members to give regular updates about their progress to their Fleet Admirals, in some situations the DTC might purchase a ship better suited to your skill and goals.
You are able to grow in rank if you have proven yourself fit for command and you are also able to fly solo following all the DTC regulations.

  • I don’t want to be part of a Squadron can I still join?

Yes you can, as long as you follow the guidelines that apply to all members you are free to go where you want.
We do encourage fleet participation for social contact, fun and safety.

  • I really wish to advance in rank, how can I do this?

We take many factors into consideration. We don’t look at one aspect of your abilities.
Leadership qualities, composure under pressures, personality, skill, dedication, your quality of teamwork, cooperation.
Feel free to let us know what you wish to achieve so we can work together to plan to road to your goal.

  • Can I become a Affiliate?

This is currently not possible, under the current system we only accept members that are directly tied to DTC.
We do not aim to inflate our member count for the sake of having a bigger number.

  • Can I become a supplier, customer, partner or have a working relationship with the DTC?

Yes you can, we are aiming at creating a quality network of suppliers, customers, partners and freelancers available for temporary work basis.
Please contact one of our Fleet Admirals and perhaps we can work something out.

  • Are you a role-play organization?

Yes we are, all or most of our communications will be in character.
We have had a great time playing Freelancer Discovery RP 24/7 and feel that a space sim with role-play add great value to the immersion and fun of the gameplay.


Deep Trading Consortium Charter

The following document contains the official Consortium Charter, signed by the Consortium Council

By decree of the High Council, this charter will take effect as of January 1st, 2944. All registered Consortium members must abide to the rules, regulations and guidelines stipulated in this Charter. For simplification, Deep Trading Consortium will be referred to as Consortium, it’s members simply as members. Failure to comply with one or multiple rules stipulated in this Charter, without direct permission of the High Council, will result in one, or multiple, of the following consequences:

  1. The payment of a to-be-determined value of UEC credits, to be paid with the offender’s personal wealth, albeit in the form of currency or otherwise.
  2. Prohibition to join in any Consortium activities and prohibition to represent the Consortium in any official capacity for a to-be-determined amount of time.
  3. Exile from the Consortium. The offender will be exiled from the Consortium for a to-be-determined amount of time. This time can be set to indefinitely.
  4. Exile from the Consortium, as stated in point (3.) and the placement of a bounty on the offender’s person and wealth of a to-be-determined value.
  5. Exile from the Consortium, as stated in point (3.), placement of a bounty on the offender’s person and wealth of a to-be-determined value, as stated in point (4.), and branding of the offender’s person as enemy of the Consortium.

Rules, Guidelines and Regulations

The Consortium High Council reserves to right to judge every and all actions conducted by Consortium members.

Article 1. General Rules of Conduct

  • A.1.1 – Consortium High Council can, at any time, change the Charter, in any way they deem necessary.
  • A.1.2 – Interests of the Consortium have highest priority while performing activities in the name of the Consortium.
  • A.1.3 – All members must abide and follow the appropriate chain of command, given they are ethically justified to some degree.
  • A.1.4 – Use of abusive language, in the form of Voice communication or otherwise, is strictly prohibited.
  • A.1.5 – Under no circumstances, other than hostile behaviour, is a Consortium member allowed to fire upon its co-members.
  • A.1.6 – Slander against the Deep Trading Consortium and its affiliates is strictly prohibited.
  • A.1.7 – Identity theft, impersonisation of another person and the act of hacking in Consortium Intelligence Networks is prohibited.
  • A 1.8 – The Consortium may be the only organization the member is part of, to ensure the quality and loyalty of the organization.
    • A 1.9* – To ensure quality and discretion, deals will only be discussed within the organization’s boundaries.

Article 2. Utilization of Voice, Text messaging protocols and handling Intelligence via these Networks

  • A.2.1. – Under no circumstances is a member allowed to relay information about Consortium Intelligence to a third party, without the direct authorization of a member of the rank Captain. This captain must relay all information sent to third parties directly to his or her superior.