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Department of Treasury & Finance / DTF

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

Do you have a special item or pet (perhaps yourself?) that you need half-way across the ‘verse but can’t do it yourself? We have over a millennium of delivering cherished goods and the people who own them across the galaxy and back again. One of our scheduling agents would be happy to help. Welcome!


Established in the late 29th century, DtF is now the go to solution for cargo and storage shipping for many of the central core’s private and public sectors. Anything from local temperature-sensitive fruits and vegetables to the highest ranking military and government officials has been transported by DtF.

Starting as a local company that delivered within one sector has grown to become a leader across the ‘verse known for it’s reliability and the care and effort put into every shipment. We view every item as our own and every person as family.

We have a variety of ships and personnel ready to handle any request no matter how “out of this world” they may seem. We pride ourselves on making a customer’s challenge as an opportunity. We have close relationships with many of the ‘verse’s governments that allows us to clear many barriers that prevent or delay other companies.

Many of the solutions we have invented have been used by major ship manufacturers into their own designs. The Unbreakable B, the KS-9 and the TM-4 Slider were all created in-house and then sold to the various major ship companies. Many of these have been widely adopted and are more than likely on your ship as you read this.

In having a close relationships with many government agencies we also have close friendships with many of the communities they govern. We provide discounted local shipping and provide many young pilots and entrepreneurs opportunities at grants and scholarships that have been set up by DtF to encourage children to chase their dreams and to perhaps command a ship or a fleet of ships someday.

We are always looking for hardworking, enthusiastic citizens who want to help make a difference in the world. Even if you have little to no education flying a ship or balancing a financial book, we can help. We can only succeed if you succeed. Feel free to come up to any DtF member and ask how you can join. You can always find us in the blue, black and grey jumpsuits.


“This is your life. Do what you love and do it often.”

“Dare to be different.”

“Respect is the secret.”

“Put passion into action.”

“We will only be successful if you are successful. Aim for the stars.”


We Aspire
To become the preeminent shipping company of the ‘verse by hiring the best people, executing an aggressive marketing and business plan and creating and implementing unmatched technology.

We are Driven
To deliver superior customer service and valuable returns for our investors and partners by following the principles of Operational Excellence.

We Strive
To exceed customer expectations by offering innovative solutions to problems and pursuing value and convenience for the customer at every turn.