The Dudes MC / DUDE

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Hi ,

Welcome to Star Citizens first Motorcycle Club “The Dudes MC”.

If you are a “free spirit” who lives by the MC lifestyle and you are interested in joining our ranks feel free to apply.



Even though you can only find custom motorcycles in museum’s and historical holovids, don’t think that the ancient brotherhood of motorcycle-clubs (MC’s) has gone extinct. The Dudes MC was founded by a group of dutch ex-convicts and repeated offenders who knew eachother from prisontime on Kellog VI. Claiming to be a just a club of friends, numerous advocacy and intelligence agencies interstellarly classify “the Dudes MC” as a criminal organisation, and contend that members carry out widespread violent crimes, drug dealing, trafficking in stolen goods and extortion and are involved in the prostitution industry.

Members of the organization have continuously asserted that they are only a group of spaceship enthusiasts who have joined to fly spaceships together, to organize social events such as group road trips, fundraisers, parties, and spaceship rallies and that those crimes are the responsibility of the individuals who carried them out and not the club as a whole.
Members of the club have been accused of crimes and convicted in many host systems, but being based in Spider they make it hard for the UEE and the Advocacy to crack down their base of operations. In the public eye the “Dudes” are often depicted in a similarly mythical fashion as other modern-day legends like the James-Younger Gang; free-spirited, iconic, bound by brotherhood and loyalty, but in the media they are depicted as violent and nihilistic, they are portrayed as a violent criminal gang and a scourge on society.
Large formations of custom build Drake Dragonflies ridden by “the Dudes” can be found throughout the verse, so when you happen to cross one of their chapters, make sure you stay out of their way and don’t draw any negative attention to yourself, or things can get messy.


We are a group of adult dutch gamers who have met each other through the steam community. Since then we have been gaming together on a daily basis. You name it, we probably play it. But games that really stuck with us are ARMA (2/3) and DayZ (first the mod, now the SA). Some of our members have affiliated ourselves with “LAMP-fleet” for future jobs and activities as soon as the PU kicks off.

We plan to:

- Train our flying skills in Arena Commander(Stategies, formations etc.)
- Have fun discussing and experiencing the development of the game
- Plan a course of action for the PU and our role in it
- Organize runs befitting a true MC! (flying in large club formations)

If you want to meet the group you can contact us on our forum thread:


-No griefing/flaming/trolling/cheating/hacking/using exploits