Dynamic Solutions / DYSOL

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Whether it’s bringing in bounties, couriering cargo, mining and shipping supplies or transporting troops; Dynamic Solutions has you covered.
For all your needs.. DYSOL Delivers.


Dynamic Solutions is one of the oldest Corporations in operation, with a history dating back as early as the 21st Century.

Contracting out to governments and businesses the company is of interest to historians and sociologists as well as to accountants.

Services intended for the civilian market are the pride of Dynamic Solutions, to facilitate affordable rates and achievable results for everybody.

Dedicated to sourcing only the most qualified, trained personnel among its ranks, guaranteeing former pilots of the UEE Navy a probation period DYSOL ensures that the job gets done. Started primarily as courier service, DYSOL has expanded their operations to also offer Bounty Hunting, Mining and Mercenary services.


DYSOL recognizes that customers, now more than ever, look at a company’s behavior and its reason for being when choosing who they do business with.

The search to define DYSOL’s purpose began centuries ago, DYSOL drew upon extensive research, discussions with senior management and front line service providers, focus group meetings from all levels of the company and retirees. In addition, input was sought from customers and industry influencers.

DYSOL’s purpose looks to the future while acknowledging its past, focusing on the greater good beyond profit. Purpose taps into the very heart of our DNA. A desire to do what’s right, to serve others, and to elevate the quality of life for people across the ‘verse.

It’s a calling to leave worlds better than we found them.

When we tap into that kind of passion – that kind of purpose – DYSOL are unstoppable.


Charter of the Dynamic Solutions Interstellar Services

1. Official Designation: Dynamic Solutions (“DYSOL”)

2. Authority: Having determined that it is in the public interest in connection with the provision of services under law, and with the concurrence of the UEE, the DYSOL Administrator hereby renews the charter.

3. Objectives and Scope of Activities: DYSOL shall draw on the expertise of its members and other sources to provide services for government, military, and civillian entities to facilitate the transportation of cargo, apprehension of bounties, acquesition of materials and tasks in line with the manifesto.

4. Description of Duties: DYSOL shall function as a service provider and shall be supported by committees and task forces as needed, to cover the breadth and depth of scope as determined by the DYSOL Directors.