East Indra Company / EASTINDRA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Security

East Indra Company is dedicated to maintaining a traditional trading business, while developing bigger markets and increasing members profit. EIC creates added value to trade routes as an active investor by providing strategic flights, financial guidance, and a galactic network.


New to the Company?

East Indra Company is an galactical trading company that specializes in trading routes. We are always eager to develop new trading partners, while continuing to maintain the valuable relationships we have already established in the galactical trade market.
We possess the global strength to both sell and purchase a wide variety of resources and export products by having affiliated ships positioned throughout the verse.

Our expert trading ships have many years of experience sourcing products from a variety of galactic origins and finding the lowest prices. Many of our traders are native to the world with which we have business relationships, allowing them to have a better knowledge of the client’s specific world and origin.

We have also become experts at the logistics involved with land and space shipments and will help arrange for the strategic routes of the resources so that you can focus on your own trade. We offer both big haulers and and small haulers in a range of crew experience. Delivering personal profit through coordinated teamwork is the backbone of our sales commitment. Our sales and logistics teams are connected at every stage of the process as we coordinate the movement and galactical delivery of trade products from one side of the vers to the other.


With a safety record that few can match, the East Indra Company sports highly reliable protection of your mercantile goods, be they living or inanimate. With a history in both the military and pmc scene, our mercantile guards are trained experts that only seem to improve even further during their time in the company.

The company prides itself with a history of greatly succesfull merchants that trade with many various goods throghout the systems. With both speed and precision, we’re able to get something in great demand from one system to the other with little to no obstructions. Albeit our dealings in the light of the stars is what we deal most in, some acts in the shadows are what truly brings in the income to our members.

In choosing to either deal with the company, or join us, you know that you will be given a good deal from a reliable company. In striving towars happiness with our employees, that enthusiasm and conviction to the company’s ideals is sure to be brought over in the execution of the client’s request.


By showing success, our members are rewarded in turn. The greater the sum each member brings in to the company, the greater their long-term reward and standing within the company will be.

A sense of belonging within the company is what we all should strive for. Thinking ourselves more of a family than a business will prove to be rewarding and, without a doubt, greatly satisfying.