Echoes of the Fallen Angels / ECHOES

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Smuggling

Come, my friends,
‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world. . . .
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.

— Alfred Lord Tennyson, Ulysses, 1842


The hologram you are watching is old and not clear, there is a shape of a man telling you about the history of Echoes of the Fallen Angels.

Our hissstory goes baack to the 22th-Century when the first spacecrafts with mining devvvices was sent out to find new minerals due to the laaacking resources on our planet. EFA was founded by a group of lost souls seeking a future outside of the law, since it was the law that caused us to lose hope. They call themssselves the UEE now and Ivar Messer the very person who brutally assaulted our organization to the point of extinction under the pretttense of terrorism became their first Prime Citizen what a joke. They were once the UPE and before that the UNE and it was the UNE that sparked so much hatred between our two grouuups with their hated for non earthers. But no matter the form since the founding of EFA the organizations that “enforce the law” has always tried to cut our wings.

Much has happened since and we have been both destroyed and reborn from these so called law enforcers which call themselves the UEE now. After the last war at the end of 28th-Century against the Vanduul we lost most of our fleet we played our part as the vanguard and ow nothing to no one, we paid that price in blood. From a rising organization almost Rivalling the UEE to a shattered mess you see before you we are still restoring and building up what we lost even if its atop the ashes of our fallen brothers or enemy’s. You must explore and find our lost brothers and sisters we are survivors don’t lose hope and never give in to those who want to suppress you.

The hologram makes a weird noise and stops.


To survive above all else. “We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.” -Winston Churchill

Some say “honor above all” well those heroes died long ago.
It is only through survival that we can prosper again. We did not survive all these years because of honor, “one clan, one mission.”

Thieves, murderers, kidnappers, soldiers, merchants, pirates, explorers, smugglers, scavengers, salvagers, mercenaries, adapt to any role that leads to a path of survival. “one clan, one mission.”


To do whatever it takes to survive the ocean of emptiness. “one clan, one mission”