Emergency Intervention & Rescue / EIR

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

“We’re a rescue team, not assassins.”


EIR was started by former members of the UEE military and medical community making the switch to the more lucrative private sector. Members have a wide range of expertise from emergency and tactical medicine trained physicians, trauma surgeons, paramedics, corpsmen, and special operations medics. EIR members are well-vetted and most are recruited based on first hand recommendations by current members of the organization. EIR strives to deliver fast, reliable, life-saving intervention to their clients. Of course, this comes with a hefty fee. Life isn’t cheap and neither is saving it. The Norse goddess, Eir, chose who was healed and brought back to life on the battlefields of Earth. The mortal men and women of EIR have taken over that responsibility. If you can pay, they can save you.


EIR – Emergency Intervention & Rescue:

Valkyries chose from among the fallen who was carried into Valhalla. Within their ranks was Eir, whose job it was to restore life to a select few. Our company does the same. We choose from among the fallen those that will rise again. No environment is too hostile. If you are in need of assistance, we are there to bring you home. Our services are top notch. Each contract is made with our clients on an individual basis. If you are looking for the best in medical care and rescue, you have found it.


1. Life isn’t cheap and neither is saving it. It will not be assumed that services are free.

2. We do not take sides in conflicts unless a contract of exclusivity has been agreed upon before the conflict. Everyone on the battlefield is a potential client.

3. If attacked or provoked, rule 2 may be modified.

4. Abuse of our service may result in termination of your contract at any time.

5. Clients are always welcome to find alternative services if they are unhappy and after all fees have been collected.