Entropy, Ltd / ELTD

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome everyone, all praise the inevitable heat death of the universe. Remember that you are powerless to avoid your own death in the cold empty void of deep space, alone and without significance. Please feel free to read through our documentation at your leisure, since it doesn’t matter anyway.


In the beginning, there was nothing.

In the end, there will be nothing.

We are just here occupying space until then.


  • In a natural set of thermodynamic systems, the Entropy perpetually increases.

If you can figure out how to not be natural, then we are interested. Until then, learn to accept that entropy perpetually increases over the entire system. Reality will eventually be overcome with Entropy.

  • As the Entropy of a system approaches a constant value, the temperature approaches absolute zero.

Eventually, as the universe becomes overcome with Entropy, the temperature will approach absolute zero. This means slowly everything will grind to a halt. All will end, and the cold void of space will overcome everything. This cannot be avoided. Understand that the only significance is now.

Tomorrow is irrelevant. Embrace the now, for it is all we have. Control over the now is power. Power is the only path to happiness.

Embrace it.

  • What is good?

All that heightens the feeling of power.

  • What is value?

There is nothing to life that has value, except the degree of power.

  • What is goodness?

Goodness is the feeling that power is growing and resistance has been overcome.

Eventually, all life will end. You will end with it. Everything you have made, everything you have done, WILL be erased. Embrace the reality that nothing you do matters, and you will be free to pursue your happiness.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.