Challenging the way things have always been done is a key priority for us. We actively develop new solutions, encouraging new ways of thinking and finding new ways of working.
We seek the depths of the Universe, exploring, trading, mining and socializing.
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Transportation: The Horizon Initiative is proud to offer transportation services focused on providing safe, consistent and high quality transportation options for our customers. THI will support all types of flight missions and will provide reliable cost-effective option for any charter transportation requirement.
Security: We provide our customers with first class security personnel to ensure the cargo arrives safe and in “A” quality condition.
Search & Rescue: Search and rescue services require specific expertise. [THI] has been a leader in aerial search and rescue for years. Our experienced crews are trained in the highest rescue and aviation standards.
Exploration: Whether you need a pilot or a ship with pilot, to explore the known or unknown space, we can and will provide it for you. Hunting for treasures, mapping unknown galaxies or just be with fun people and enjoy the flight.
Bounty Hunting: Finding fugitives, getting rid of pirates, providing armed and armored ships and/or pilots for Freelance Bounty Hunters for a fee and security deposit.
Mining: Discovery, mapping and extraction of valuable minerals or other valuable materials from Planets, Moons, Asteroids and other bodies.
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The primary goal of The Horizon Initiative is exploring the unknown universe, manufacturing goods, establish trading routes, search & rescue services and provide ships to transport goods.
Our organization is a welcoming , diverse community, multilingual and with a common goal.
Bring people together to have fun and enjoy the protection of an expanding , friendly and loyal group.
Accountability: We take ownership of our decisions, our actions and our results. We deliver on our promises and acknowledge our mistakes. Above all we never pass blame.