Seize the Stars, Embrace Freedom
New or Veteran, Your Legacy Begins Here
We Start Our Story HERE!
Profit Through Power – Maximize earnings by completing high-stakes missions and engaging in strategic piracy.
Freedom and Independence – Embrace a lifestyle of freedom, living by your own rules in the lawless depths of space.
Elite Operations – Provide high-quality, professional services to clients while maintaining the edge over rivals.
Chaos for Profit – Take advantage of the unpredictable nature of space to disrupt and profit from the disorder.
Strength in Numbers – Build a powerful, loyal fleet to ensure success in both mercenary and piracy endeavors.
Survival by Any Means – Adapt, evolve, and do whatever it takes to thrive in the dangerous world of Star Citizen.
1. Respect All Members
Treat all members with respect and courtesy, regardless of their experience level.
Discrimination, harassment, or toxic behavior will not be tolerated.
2. Teamwork Above All
Collaboration is key to success; always prioritize the collective over personal gain.
Help fellow members with missions, resources, and advice.
3. Honor the Chain of Command
Follow the leadership structure and respect authority within the organization.
Voice concerns or suggestions respectfully to higher-ups.
4. No Griefing or Betrayal
Do not sabotage or betray fellow organization members, whether in-game or out.
Engage in piracy or hostile actions against outsiders only.
5. Engage in Organized Activities
Participate in events, missions, and activities that contribute to the org’s growth and goals.
Notify leadership if you are going to be inactive for an extended period.
6. Maintain Communication
Stay active in organization channels (e.g., Discord, in-game comms) and keep the team informed.
Be clear and concise when communicating with members.
7. Follow Star Citizen’s Terms of Service
Abide by the rules and guidelines set by Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) to avoid any violations or issues.
8. Respect the Org’s Reputation
Represent the organization well in-game and in the community.
Avoid actions that could tarnish the org’s name or cause unnecessary conflict.
These rules help create a positive, organized, and efficient community where all members can thrive in the vast universe of Star Citizen.