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The Eternal Empire / EMPIREAUS

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Social

h6. RP Org / Org v Org / Military Simulation View our website! Join our Discord!


╚═══════ ೋღ The Eternal Empire Laws and Regulations ღೋ ═══════╝

bq. Adherence to the lawful lands and properties is protected by devine right. Settlement areas remain under sanctions of article 4. Orgs that breach these penalties will be subject to a hearing pending war
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In the grand expanse of the cosmos, we, the faithful, stand as champions of the Immortal Emperor’s divine mandate, destined to bring forth an era of unparalleled peace and prosperity.

With hearts aflame with devotion and minds attuned to the cosmic symphony, we march forth under the sacred banner of the Eternal Empire, guided by the immortal wisdom of our sovereign ruler.

In the conquest of worlds and the forging of empires, let each victory be a testament to the righteousness of our cause, each conquest a step closer to the realization of universal harmony.

Let us honor the legacy of our forebears and the sacred texts that illuminate the path to enlightenment, for within their wisdom lies the blueprint for a utopian future under the benevolent reign of the Immortal Emperor.

As we expand our dominion across the stars, let us extend the hand of salvation to the wayward souls who dwell in darkness, offering them the chance to embrace the light of eternal truth and find redemption in servitude to the Immortal Emperor.

Let our actions be guided by the noble principles of justice and righteousness, for it is through the enforcement of divine law that we shall vanquish the forces of chaos and establish a new order of celestial magnificence.

With each conquest, let us sow the seeds of unity and brotherhood among the disparate races of the cosmos, forging bonds of fellowship that transcend the boundaries of space and time.

As stewards of the Immortal Emperor’s divine will, let us govern with wisdom and compassion, ensuring that the subjects of our empire flourish under the benevolent gaze of their immortal sovereign.

In every corner of the universe, let the light of the Eternal Empire shine forth as a beacon of hope and salvation, guiding all who seek the path to enlightenment and true peace.

And above all, let us remember that our quest for universal dominion is not driven by greed or ambition, but by a sacred duty to bring about the dawn of a new era, where all sentient beings may bask in the eternal glory of the Immortal Emperor’s reign.

By the power of our faith and the might of our armies, let us carve out a destiny worthy of the Immortal Emperor’s divine favor, forging a legacy that shall endure throughout eternity.

Together, let us march onward, unwavering in our devotion and resolute in our purpose, for in the fulfillment of our sacred mission lies the salvation of the cosmos and the eternal glory of the Immortal Emperor.

Long live the Immortal Emperor! Long live the Eternal Empire!


Commandments of the Emperor

  • “Thou shall know we are not pirates nor do we uphold UEE law we are a sovereign governing body that yields to the testament of the Eternal Empire those that stand against us and our religious beliefs are considered heretics and enemies of the state.”
  • “Thou shalt honor thy fellow roleplayers, for they are thy companions on this journey of imagination.”
  • “Thou shalt respect the lore and world-building established within our realm, for consistency breeds immersion.”
  • “Thou shalt engage in thy character’s story arcs with zeal and creativity, for they are the threads that weave our collective narrative.”
  • “Thou shalt strive for balance in thy character’s strengths and flaws, for perfection breeds stagnation.”
  • “Thou shalt communicate openly and respectfully with thy fellow roleplayers, for understanding fosters camaraderie.”
  • “Thou shalt embrace both victory and defeat with grace, for adversity is the crucible of character development.”
  • “Thou shalt collaborate with thy Game Master, for their guidance ensures the harmony of our adventures.”
  • “Thou shalt immerse thyself fully in the world of our roleplay, leaving behind the distractions of the mundane.”
  • “Thou shalt cherish the diversity of characters and playstyles within our group, for variety enriches our storytelling.”
  • “Thou shalt remember that above all, our roleplay is a shared endeavor, and the joy of collective storytelling is our ultimate goal.”