Emancipated Radicals / EMRA

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

The Emancipated Radicals welcome you to browse our profile, and send us an application if you’re interested in joining us.


The Emancipated Radicals (EMRA) first appeared early in year 2940. Since its inception the network has been an odd collection of freelancers loosely organised and affiliated. Mostly operating as individual agent, members also operate in groups for larger and more riskier undertakings.

EMRA supports its members if and when necessary. Whether in relation to legal or illegal actions directed at its members.

The number of members in EMRA has fluctuated greatly over the years, with current membership at an historical low. Members has included mercenaries, bounty hunters, smugglers, freelancing medics, pirates, and more. In some ways it has operated as an unofficial union for freethinkers and freelancers whose other affiliates cannot or will not support them.


As indicated by the name, EMRA values autonomy and freedom of the individual, while recognising the need for, and power of, affiliations, alliances, friends, and comrades.

This means that voluntarism is the key tenet of EMRA.

EMRA is not a democracy, following tempered yet anarchic ideals.

The Supervising Controller holds ultimate authority within EMRA.

The manifesto is never complete.


The Emancipated Radicals demands little from its members, but mutual discretion and trust are core values.

Assistance should be rendered when and where possible.

Voluntarism is at the centre of EMRA, thus members are encouraged to assist other citizens, members or non-members, that they meet in the verse.

Members of EMRA are not to betray, through action or inaction, the activities of their fellow members to any other organisations or authorities.

A commitment to EMRA means that you return favours and assistance in kind, the details of which is negotiated and agreed upon by the individual members.

Disputes between members are understood to be resolved by the members. The leadership, such as it is, can be called upon as arbiters to negotiate a settlement; under the tenet that the perfect compromise leaves all conflicted parties dissatisfied.