Electra Nova / ENOVA

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Welcome to the Electra Nova Explorers Profile. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.


The Electra Nova Explorers was founded over two decades ago to fund the an expedition to unknown space to conduct planetary surveys on three unexplored star systems. The expedition presented a vast amount of untapped resources witch made the team rather wealthy. The details on the founding members was never recorded, as after the deals were concluded they all parted ways most setting out to explore the furthest stars.

However Ti-brim Crach used his cut to buy a bar named “Electra” on Terra. It has been the HQ of the Electra Nova Explorers ever since and still is the best place to find tips on the frontiers of the explored universe. They say the original members of the team may be found sharing a drink at the bar.


The Electra Nova is a group for sharing knowledge and finding assistance for expeditions and odd jobs.
We maintain a casual and friendly attitude towards our members and affiliates.

Collaborations on jobs and expeditions are purely your own. We don’t take any responsibility on any mishaps you may encounter and any deals for resources must be made beforehand.


Rules Of Conduct:

  1. Never spread misinformation
  2. Piracy on deal partners is prohibited
  3. Be weary of dealings with non members
  4. Agree on the resources and profits before you make a deal