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Epic Net / EPICNET

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Totally legitimate Dealers of
Laranite & Medical Supplies


April. 11, 2792 – The Massacre of Garron II

At the end of an Era an entire race of generic humanoids, known as The Xeenies, cling to a single hope.

A lone Xenon Technician managed to escape the horrific genocide during the massacre of her people under the heavy boot of a tyranical UEE on Garron II. Desperate to escape the control and Universal dominance of the UEE under the iron boot of Ivar Messer and willing to sell off precious life to fund their insatiable growth.

With what little valuables and technology the Xenon had safeguarded, she took off from Garron II in a hiijacked prototype Cutlass Red Ambulance. Disguised as Humanitarian Aide she fled her home world and breached the ever tightening clutches of the United Empire of Earth.

That beautiful creature was Zeenjayli our founder. Alone, the last of her kind, the Xenon Warrior Princess cleverly stowed her new Cutlass aboard a Banu Merchantman, bound for the Stanton System.

She had no idea whose ship she was stowed upon but something about this place filled her with an uneasy confidence…

On that fateful jump through that Stargate she met another. One who was also the last of Her kind. The Drug Baroness tynsfw. Prophet of The Self. The last Selfish Chamberlain known in all of the systems.

They vowed to work tirelessly to seek revenge on the UEE for their shady, inhumane dealings and the genocide of two entire peoples; as well as to vigilantly monitor the actions of the United Empire of Earth. Ensuring they don’t slip back into their old ways… and always vigilant that, perhaps, those ways never truly died out. They merely took on a new facade.

One would use their influence and cunning while the other would strike fear into the hearts of the UEE’s Bounty Hunters and Rebel Forces who would stand in their way.

Epic Net is born. The catalyst of a new race as two become one. A vow. A Faith to be restored.

Only the coming generations will tell the tale of the rise of Epic Net and The Self.


The Epic Net Manifesto reflects an attempt to further the goals of The Self, as well as the theories underlying this movement. It argues that class struggles, or the exploitation of one class by another, are the motivational force behind all major development.

However, eventually these relationships cease to be compatible with the developing forces of production. At this point, a revolution occurs and a new class emerges as the ruling one. This process represents the “march of history” as driven by larger economic forces. We at Epic Net believe in an enterprise under which such a revolution can be nurtured to fruition.


Epic Nets Purpose

This Corporation will improve delivery time of finished goods. Ideally 75% of our current lost orders will be completed on time in the future.

Duration and Time of Commitment

The Corporation has been commissioned to work together for an initial 3 months. Our Daily Efforts will average 50% of the team members’ time.


[REDACTED] – CFO & Team Leader
Doc Green

Desired Results

This team will identify, price, and prioritize commodities that will change with the ever evolving supply and demand across all of the systems in the universe. We require consistent, safe, renewable solutions; especially in systems where resources are less available and more expensive.


Check your CEO or Team Leader to register for upcoming operations. Operations are often without much notice so be ready to work. We pay avg. 100,000 aUEC for an honest hours work while we strive to help you grow and develop your own concerns.