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Epsilon / EPSILON

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Founded in 2944, Epsilon thrives in the Star Citizen universe’s Pyro System, specializing in resource acquisition and freelancing. Harnessing expertise in space commerce, it offers members a robust platform for economic engagement, fostering growth and stability within the interstellar community.


In the cosmic ballet of the Pyro System, where stars and fates collide, the year 2944 heralded the dawn of a legacy inked among the heavens. This was the year that bore witness to the genesis of “Epsilon,” conceived amidst the chaos of a system where peril and promise intertwined. Its birth was no accident; it was an act of defiance, a testament to the audacity of souls who sought to script their destinies against the void’s vast canvas.

2944: Formation and Foothold

Captain Deverson, a figure carved from the legends of the United Empire of Earth (UEE), ignited the first spark. His dreams, as boundless as the space he yearned to traverse, outlined the blueprint of a sanctuary for the intrepid and the bold. Epsilon emerged, not as a mere organization but as a crucible where individuals could meld their aspirations with the raw grit needed to thrive amidst cosmic adversities.

It wasn’t long before Chief Officer Portis_Anaran joined, an enigma in his own right, with a mind like a quantum computer, capable of strategizing survival where others foresaw ruin. Portis_Anaran, the mastermind, weaved safety nets from risks, turning the Pyro System’s inherent volatility into a battleground where only Epsilon knew the terrain.

2945: Identity and Expansion

As Epsilon’s reputation solidified like a planet forming from cosmic dust, it attracted another pivotal figure. Officer Roylance, known infamously as “The Suit,” brought an air of legitimacy to the organization’s roughshod roots. With his diplomatic finesse and an eye for opportunity, he sculpted Epsilon’s image, turning it into a siren call for those who sought order in chaos, a community within the expanse’s isolation.

With Epsilon’s triumvirate core, the organization rapidly extended its tendrils. They delved into asteroid fields rich with minerals, breathing new life into derelict ships that added to their growing fleet. Each success was a step away from survival and a move towards stability and significance.

2946-2948: Trials and Triumphs

The following years tested Epsilon’s mettle. As they grew, so did the challenges they faced. Competitors and pirates sought to undermine their efforts, blind to the unity that fortified Epsilon’s foundation. Yet, they prevailed, with each victory, whether achieved through Portis_Anaran’s strategies, The Suit’s negotiations, or Deverson’s fearless leadership, solidifying their stance in the Pyro System.

2949: A Beacon Amongst Stars

Half a decade since its inception, Epsilon had evolved. What started as a shared dream had burgeoned into a thriving hub for freelancers, miners, defenders, and explorers. They became a symbol, a story shared between passing ships or over the quiet buzz of a spaceport bar—a story of an organization that turned the Pyro System’s treachery into a home.

And now, Epsilon stands as a paragon of resilience, a civilization within the wilderness of space. They are a testament to solidarity amidst solitude, a beacon for those traversing the star-strewn paths of the universe, reminding every wayward traveler that even in the vast, cold realm of the cosmos, there are places where warmth, unity, and purpose endure, undimmed and unyielding.

2950: “Echoes of Sacrifice: The Last Valor of HugPea”.

In the unpredictable vastness of the Pyro System, one name became synonymous with valor among the ranks of Epsilon. HugPea, a devoted member, met an end that would resonate through the corridors of the organization’s history.

During a high-stakes negotiation with a rival faction, tensions escalated unexpectedly. Outnumbered and in hostile territory, Epsilon stood on the precipice of a conflict that threatened its very foundation. HugPea, recognizing the peril, made a decision steeped in courage and loyalty. He drew the hostiles away, sacrificing himself to secure safe passage for his comrades and safeguarding the delicate information integral to Epsilon’s survival.

His heroic act was a stark reminder to Epsilon’s members: the universe’s merciless expanse demanded not just strength, but also unity, wisdom, and sometimes, the ultimate sacrifice. HugPea’s legacy reinforced the values of trust within their ranks, strategic caution during engagements, and the irreplaceable worth of solidarity. His memory became Epsilon’s guiding beacon, illuminating the path of resilience and prudent camaraderie in their pursuit of prosperity amidst the stars.

Operative Profile: Rezengu – Strategic Asset in Fiscal Analytics, 2950

Epsilon’s 2950 strategic enhancement was marked by the recruitment of “Rezengu,” a financial and data analytics specialist with prior experience at the UEE Tax Office. His unique governmental background has granted him an acute understanding of complex fiscal frameworks, proving invaluable for navigating Epsilon through financial intricacies and regulatory compliance. Rezengu’s expertise has been instrumental in fortifying Epsilon’s economic resilience, utilizing sophisticated data interpretation to ensure optimal resource allocation and risk management. His integration signifies Epsilon’s commitment to leveraging astute fiscal strategy, honed from the very echelons of the UEE’s bureaucratic arenas, to thrive amidst the cosmic market’s unpredictability.


In the vast expanses of the universe, amidst the star-strewn sectors of the Pyro System, the year 2944 marked a seminal chapter in the annals of cosmic enterprise. The system, known for its precarious stability, was a frontier for danger and opportunity, attracting souls brave or desperate enough to carve out a life where chaos reigned. It was in this crucible of cosmic fervor that “Epsilon” was born, an organization destined to become a linchpin in resources and freelancing across the system’s tangled skein of stars and secrets.

Captain Deverson, a visionary with a spirit as indomitable as the stars themselves, planted the seed for Epsilon. Known throughout the UEE’s territories for his astute command and audacious exploits, Deverson had long harbored a vision of a collective that would thrive where others dared not venture. His expertise in navigating both the tangible and intangible resources of the universe laid the groundwork for what Epsilon could become: a beacon in the darkness for those seeking to forge lives beyond the stifling confines of safer skies.

Chief Officer Portis_Anaran was the linchpin in Deverson’s grand design. An individual shrouded in as much mystery as the nebulas of Pyro itself, Portis_Anaran brought to the table an unparalleled knack for strategy and an uncanny understanding of the Pyro System’s treacherous dance of politics and power. Where Deverson was the heart of Epsilon, Portis was the mind, always calculating the safest passage through perilous ventures, ensuring that every risk taken was a calculated one. Their combined foresight and cunning were a living map through the cosmos for their band of freelancers.

“The Suit,” officially known as Officer Roylance, became the face of Epsilon. Neither as brazen as Deverson nor as enigmatic as Portis, The Suit earned his moniker from his unyielding preference for formal attire, regardless of the severity of the circumstances. This unflappable veneer was his greatest asset, as he brokered contracts, negotiated with other entities, and managed the organization’s image. His presence gave Epsilon the air of an empire in the making, a force of nature wrapped in the trappings of civilization, making them an attractive enclave for freelancers seeking both protection and prosperity.

The Pyro System, with its unclaimed territories, was ripe with resources, hidden amidst celestial beauty and existential terror. Here, Epsilon found its niche. They began as a small operation, mining uncharted asteroids and salvaging the carcasses of forgotten spacecraft. Yet, with each venture, they wove their legacy into a tapestry of whispered legends and solidified respect. Freelancers, ranging from miners to guns-for-hire, soon sought the banner of Epsilon, not just for the promise of wealth, but for the camaraderie and freedom it offered.

In the years that followed, Epsilon grew exponentially. From harrowing rescue operations to high-stakes resource acquisitions, they became synonymous with success against all odds. However, the core of Epsilon, built by the triad of Deverson, Portis_Anaran, and The Suit, never wavered from their initial vision. They had created more than an organization; they had ignited a movement, a testament to the resilience and tenacity of all who dared to navigate the sea of stars.

Thus, amidst a cosmos of infinite possibilities, Epsilon endures as a steadfast star in the Pyro System’s sky, a reminder that even in the universe’s wild frontiers, unity, strength, and vision can forge a path to uncharted horizons.


Operating within the Pyro System, Epsilon embodies discretion and strategic foresight. Our essential principles are:

Calculated Opportunism: Harnessing regulatory gaps, maximizing untapped potential.
Adaptive Strategies: Navigating legalities with agile, innovative approaches.
Discreet Alliances: Prioritizing confidentiality and mutual benefit in partnerships.
Risk Moderation: Undertaking ventures with cautious boldness, minimizing exposure.
Conservative Expansion: Advancing influence subtly, grounded in tactical prudence.
Epsilon commits to these tenets, ensuring robust, understated growth and resource acquisition in the Pyro System’s intricate commercial landscape.