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Arctares / ERRAI

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

We are the light that clears the way, the wave of change that purges tyranny. Under the banner of Errai, we march as one—unbreakable.
We are the beacon the galaxy seeks, and our splendor will reforge the stars.


The Birth of Errai: Post-Terran Rebellion (Late 26th Century)
Errai was born in the aftermath of the Terran Rebellion, a time when the colonies struggled for autonomy and Earth’s centralized power waned. As the rebellion unfolded, a group of independent thinkers, explorers, and military leaders sought to forge their own path—one that neither bowed to the authority of Earth nor succumbed to chaos. This early faction coalesced around the guiding star of Errai in the constellation Cepheus, a symbol of hope, navigation, and independence. They became known as the Starborne, a group determined to bring order to the outer reaches of human expansion, offering strength and unity to those caught between the upheaval.

The Dark Age of the Messer Regime: Building the Shield (27th Century)
As the oppressive Messer regime tightened its grip across the galaxy, Errai evolved from a coalition into a formidable organization. While the regime expanded through fear and control, Errai positioned itself as a force of resistance and protection for the colonies. Known for their elite tactics and strategic operations, they specialized in blockade busting and covert missions to liberate oppressed territories. Despite the iron rule of the Messers, Errai remained elusive, evading imperial control and growing into a symbol of defiance.

During this era, the Star Council was formed, a leadership body that would come to govern Errai, composed of the finest tacticians and diplomats. The Council guided Errai’s actions, ensuring the organization maintained its moral foundation while wielding overwhelming force when needed.

Corporate Dominance and Expansion (2801–2900)
With the fall of the Messer regime, humanity entered an age of recovery, but new challenges arose. Corporations began to take over the mantle of expansion, and their thirst for resources led to exploitation and conflict across newly discovered systems. Errai adapted to this new era, emerging as protectors for independent systems and a deterrent against corporate overreach. Their reputation for delivering swift justice and their ability to organize vast fleets of ships earned them both admiration and fear throughout the galaxy.

No longer just a band of rebels, Errai became a political force in its own right, commanding vast resources and wielding diplomatic power. Their mission evolved—to be the beacon of strength and order in the galaxy. This period also saw the rise of the Starswyft Division, a key military arm of Errai, known for their precision in delivering justice to rogue corporate entities and external threats alike.

The New Age of Exploration and Conflict (2901–Present)
Today, Errai stands as a monumental force, not only in combat but in exploration, diplomacy, and governance. As humanity discovers new systems and faces threats from hostile alien species like the Vanduul, Errai continues to be the light that forges the way, guiding civilizations and ensuring that no power—corporate or otherwise—oppresses the free systems of the galaxy.

The organization’s symbol, a radiant star cutting through the darkness, embodies their role as both protectors and enforcers, willing to do whatever it takes to bring order. Their fleets are some of the largest and most organized in the galaxy, capable of delivering overwhelming force to purge tyranny. Even the developers of the galaxy’s governing bodies have taken notice of Errai, recognizing their ability to unite vast groups for a common cause.

Under the banner of Errai, they march as one—unbreakable, unstoppable, and united in their mission to reshape the stars and ensure peace through strength.


We Are the Light That Guides
In the vast darkness of space, we are the beacon. Our purpose is clear—Errai exists to bring order to chaos, justice to the oppressed, and strength to the weak. We do not seek power for its own sake, but rather to wield it responsibly, to forge a path for humanity’s future, and to ensure that freedom and dignity are not trampled underfoot by tyranny or greed.

Unbreakable, Unstoppable, United
Under the banner of Errai, we march as one. Our unity is our greatest strength. We are not individuals striving for personal glory, but a collective force with one purpose—to defend, to explore, to conquer where necessary. Our fleets are vast, our resolve unwavering, and our tactics precise. Together, we are unstoppable, for we do not fight for ourselves but for the cause that binds us: to reshape the galaxy into something better.

Strength Through Virtue
Power without virtue is tyranny, and we will not become what we stand against. Every ship that flies our colors, every soldier that carries our name, and every leader on our Star Council is bound by the tenets of justice, discipline, and loyalty. We do not strike without reason, nor do we negotiate without strength. We seek peace, but not at the cost of freedom. We fight, but only to defend the sanctity of the systems under our protection.

The Wave of Change
We are the wave that purges corruption, that topples tyrants, that breaks the chains of oppression. Whether it be the overreach of corporate greed or the cruelty of alien threats, Errai stands as the vanguard of change. We do not shy from battle; we meet it head-on, knowing that our strength will carry the day. Our forces move with precision, overwhelming in numbers, and yet each strike is deliberate, measured, and just.

The Splendor of the Stars
Our mission is not only to conquer but to illuminate. We are explorers as much as we are warriors. We seek the unknown, driven by curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. Every system we discover, every world we touch, carries the mark of Errai—a mark of progress, of order, of hope. We will forge new alliances, new paths, and new futures for all who wish to follow our light.

We Are Errai
We are the shield that protects, the sword that strikes, the flame that forges the way. We are not just an organization—we are a movement, a legacy, and a force of nature. We are the guardians of the stars, and under our guidance, the galaxy will flourish. Our splendor will be felt in every corner of the cosmos, and those who stand with us shall know the true meaning of power, honor, and unity.

Join Us, and Together We Will Reforge the Stars.


We, the members of Errai, commit to justice, strength, and unity, guiding the galaxy toward order and freedom. Our purpose is clear: defend the weak, explore the unknown, and maintain peace through overwhelming power.

Article I: Mission
Errai exists to:

Protect: Defend systems from tyranny and threats.
Explore: Expand humanity’s knowledge and resources.
Unite: Operate as a unified force for justice and order.
Article II: Governance
The Star Council
The highest authority, guiding strategy and operations. Council members are appointed based on loyalty and merit.


Admiral: Overall leader of Errai.
Commander: Leads fleets and operations.
Captain: Commands ships and tactical units.
Lieutenant: Supports Captains in missions.
Council of Light
Oversees ethical conduct, ensuring the use of power aligns with Errai’s values.

Article III: Membership
Open to anyone upholding Errai’s values of strength, unity, and justice.

Code of Conduct
Members must act with loyalty, discipline, and courage, working together to achieve the organization’s goals.

Recruits undergo training and evaluation before full membership.

Article IV: Operations
Fleet operations are strategic, focused on defense, liberation, and justice.

Members are encouraged to explore new systems, balancing curiosity with responsibility.

The Star Council manages relations with other organizations and alien civilizations.

Article V: Amendments
Changes to the charter require a two-thirds majority from the Star Council and must uphold Errai’s core mission.