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Europan Enterprise / EUROENT

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Smuggling

Step into our organization where cooperative gameplay thrives. Engage in industrial pursuits, PvE, and PvP battles, and epic events. With structured support calls and a robust bank system, we’re more than allies, we’re family. Join us for unity, triumph, and endless adventure.


In the early days of space exploration, our forebears hailed from Europa, a moon orbiting Jupiter in the SOL system. Faced with dwindling resources, they embarked on a mission to secure a future for their descendants. After traversing the cosmos for generations, our lineage eventually found sanctuary in the Stanton system.

Initially impoverished, we forged ahead with resilience and determination. Through innovation, cooperation, and unwavering tenacity, we transformed our fortunes. From barren beginnings, we’ve emerged as a formidable force, amassing wealth and influence.

Driven by an insatiable hunger for success, our organization’s vision knows no bounds. We strive to ascend to the ranks of the universe’s elite enterprises, leveraging every resource and opportunity available. Our journey is marked by a willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve greatness, embodying the spirit of relentless ambition and boundless possibility.


Forging Unity, Growth, and Exploration

Hireable Workforce
Europan Enterprise (EE) stands as a beacon of professionalism and reliability within the vast expanse of the Star Citizen universe. We offer our services as a skilled and adaptable workforce, ready to undertake any task with efficiency and excellence.

Commitment to Growth and Expansion
At EE, we embrace the ethos of continuous growth and mutual support. We believe in fostering an environment where members are empowered to help one another thrive and where the pursuit of new horizons is celebrated. Together, we aspire to expand our collective knowledge, skills, and influence across the cosmos.

Community Beyond Gaming
More than just a gaming organization, EE is a vibrant and inclusive community. We are bound together by shared values, experiences, and aspirations, transcending the virtual realm to form meaningful connections and lasting friendships.

Journey to Settlement
While our ultimate goal is to establish a permanent presence within the Verse, we understand that the path to settlement is a journey filled with challenges and discoveries. Until that day arrives, we remain steadfast in our commitment to exploration, seeking out the perfect location to call home.

Unity in Adversity
The bonds of camaraderie and solidarity within EE are unbreakable. If one of us is threatened or wronged, it is an affront to us all. We stand united in defense of our members, ready to confront any obstacle or adversary that dares to challenge our community.

As members of Europan Enterprise, we pledge to uphold these principles, to support one another in our endeavors, and to journey together towards a future filled with boundless opportunities and endless adventure. Together, we are EE – united in purpose, driven by ambition, and destined for greatness in the stars.


Guiding Principles for Exploration and Unity

1. Family Comes First
Within Europan Enterprise (EE), we prioritize the well-being and support of our members and their loved ones above all else. Our organization is founded on the principles of unity, camaraderie, and familial bonds.

2. Fun is More Important than Competition
We believe in fostering a culture where enjoyment, camaraderie, and shared experiences take precedence over cutthroat competition. While we value progress and success, we prioritize the joy of exploration and adventure above all else.

3. Age Requirement: 18+
To ensure a mature and responsible environment for our members, EE requires all participants to be at least 18 years of age.

4. No Room for Hate and Racism
EE is committed to creating a safe and inclusive space for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or background. We have zero tolerance for hate speech, discrimination, or racism in any form.

5. Helping Each Other is Key
Mutual support and cooperation are fundamental principles of EE. We encourage our members to lend assistance, share knowledge, and collaborate with one another to achieve common goals and overcome challenges.

6. Financial Transparency and Fairness
Money generated during organized events within EE is to be either shared among participants or deposited into the organization’s communal fund for the collective benefit of all members. Transparency and fairness in financial matters are paramount.

7. Be a Friendly Traveler
As ambassadors of EE, we strive to represent our organization with respect, kindness, and goodwill in all our interactions with other players and factions within the Star Citizen universe. We aim to build positive relationships and contribute positively to the wider community.

8. Explore New Things
Exploration is at the heart of EE’s mission. We encourage our members to boldly venture into uncharted territories, discover new wonders, and embrace the thrill of the unknown.

9. Keep Improving
Continuous growth and development are essential to the success of EE. We are committed to fostering an environment where members are encouraged to learn, evolve, and strive for personal and collective improvement.

10. Mandatory Discord Voice Chat
To foster communication and camaraderie, members of EE are required to be available in Discord voice chat, at the very least for listening, during organized events and activities. This ensures real-time coordination and enhances the overall gaming experience for all.

11. Two-Month Trial Period
Every new member of EE undergoes a two-month trial period, during which they are evaluated based on their participation, attitude, and compatibility with the organization’s values. At the discretion of leadership, members may be dismissed during this time for any reason deemed detrimental to the community.

By adhering to these principles, we pledge to uphold the spirit of Europan Enterprise, to support one another in our shared journey through the cosmos, and to embrace the limitless possibilities of exploration and discovery in the Star Citizen universe. Together, we are EE – united in family, driven by fun, and boundless in our pursuit of the unknown.