EvecraideR Space Force / EVECRAIDER

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Freelancing

Fazemos todos modos do game sem restrições. Com muita exploração, pve, pvp, bounty hunter, mercenary, prison, pirate, trade, delivery e Drag Lab. Queremos players com mesmos objetivos.


Evecraider is an organization of Space Pirates who worship a forbidden Banu god named Frendagor, one of the companions of Cthulhu and his other cosmic gods of chaos. Their desire is to eliminate both the Humans of the UEE and the Vanduul, and then destroy whatever is left of the universe to rebuild it according to their wishes.

They believe that Frendagor is the greatest of gods and that he created all of existence. They worship him as if he were a real entity with his own will. They are led by a Queen named Meneldil, the High Priestess of their cult, also known as Meneldil Aruunda, which translates to ‘The Evil Queen.’ Many assume she has magical powers, and despite her racial hatred tendencies towards both humans and Vanduul aliens, she has gained fame among the pirates.

Their world, Bani, is far from most major trade routes. Thus, they have plenty of time to dedicate to worshipping their god. Their sacred place is covered with debris, discarded pieces, and broken statues of false idols that they built to represent some false god. They believe that it is not wrong to worship something that is not real because it gives them a way to focus when they are unhappy or struggling with life’s problems. Their god does not care who worships him or what they are worshiping, as long as they fulfill his desire to destroy things and bring them back from nothing, over and over again.

The creators of Evecraider were found as children by Banus devoted to Frendagor, abandoned in cryogenic pods on a drifting ship in space. Determined not to return them to the corrupt and atrocious human society, they took them in, determined to instruct them under the Banu Frendagor code.
They grew up meticulously examining the cultures, technologies, and principles of both Banu, Human, and Vanduul, resulting in exceptional warriors, true weapons of destruction. As a consequence of their curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring the unknown, they discovered the atrocities committed and covered up by the UEE. The perversity in the universe had reached an irreversible point. There was nothing left to do but oppose everything and everyone.
As a result of their deeds, they were labeled “Pirates” and considered “Toxic.” Thus, the Toxic Alliance was born, a pirate organization that provokes chaos and destruction, performing sacrifices to awaken the Pirate God of Destruction, Frendagor.

Amid the hypocrisy of a society that chooses to remain silent and omit the perversity of its race, the Toxic Alliance decided to oppose the brainwashing carried out by organizations that plant a false moralism and a false sense of justice in the Citizens of the Stars.
If you are tired of being treated as just another number, a pawn limited to senseless rules among hypocritical leaders, come be free in Evecraider.


A Evecraider é uma organização de Piratas Espaciais adoradores de um deus Banu proibido chamado Frendagor, um dos companheiros de Cthullu e seus demais deuses cósmicos do caos. Seu desejo é eliminar tanto os Humanos da UEE quanto os Vanduuls, em seguida destruir o que restar do universo para reconstruí-lo conforme seus desejos.
Acreditam que Frendagor é o maior dos deuses e que ele criou toda a existência. Eles o adoram como se fosse uma entidade real com vontade própria. São liderados por uma Rainha chamada Meneldil, a Alta Sacerdotisa de seu culto, também conhecida como Meneldil Aruunda, que traduz-se como ‘A Rainha Má’. Muitos assumem que ela tem poderes mágicos e apesar de suas tendências de ódio racial tanto para humanos quanto para alienígenas Vanduul, alcançou fama entre os piratas.

O mundo deles, Bani, fica longe da maioria das principais rotas comerciais. Então eles têm muito tempo para dedicar-se à adoração do seu deus. Seu local sagrado está coberto de escombros, peças descartadas e estátuas quebradas de falsos ídolos que eles construíram para representar algum falso deus. Acreditam que não é errado adorar algo que não é real porque isso lhes dá um caminho para concentrar-se quando estão infelizes ou lutando contra os problemas da vida. Seu deus não se importa com quem o adora ou o que estão adorando, desde que cumpram o seu desejo de destruir as coisas e trazê-las de volta do nada, de novo e de novo.

Os criadores da Evecraider foram encontrados ainda crianças por Banus devotos à Frendagor, abandonados em pods criogênicos numa nave à deriva no espaço. Decididos a não devolvê-los à sociedade corrupta e atroz dos humanos, acolheram-os determinados a instruí-los sob o código Banu Frendagor.
Cresceram examinando primorosamente as culturas, tecnologias e princípios tanto Banu quanto Humanas e Vanduuls, resultando em guerreiros excepcionais, verdadeiras armas de destruição. Como consequência da curiosidade e entusiasmo em explorar o desconhecido, descobriram as atrocidades cometidas e encobertas pela UEE. A perversidade no universo havia alcançado um ponto irreversível. Não havia mais nada a ser feito senão opor-se contra tudo e todos.
Por consequência de seus feitos, foram intitulados “Piratas” e considerados “Tóxicos’‘. Nasce então a Aliança Tóxica, uma organização pirata que provoca o caos e a destruição, realizando sacrifícios para despertar o deus Pirata da Destruição Frendagor.

Em meio à hipocrisia de uma sociedade que opta por calar-se e omitir a perversidade de sua raça, a Aliança Tóxica decidiu opor-se à lavagem cerebral realizada pelas organizações que plantam um falso moralismo e falso senso de justiça aos Cidadãos das Estrelas.
Você que está farto de ser tratado como apenas mais um número, um peão limitado às regras sem sentido entre líderes hipócritas, venha ser livre na Evecraider.

Nosso discord.



Grupo: Evecraider
EvecraideR Gaming é um grupo ativo desde 2005, em mmorpgs, simuladores e games online nos mais variados segmentos. Agradeço a todos que vieram agregar a nossa história, e somar ao grupo em busca de um gameplay diferenciado sem restrição, recheado de bom humor, mas sempre com foco e habilidade. Nossa nova divisão EvecaideR Space Force trazendo essa nova empreitada com muita ação e pvp que nosso grupo esta acostumado. Presamos a união e trabalho em equipe nosso grupo não avalia o seu hangar mais sim você como membro. Não queremos ser os maiores mais sim os melhores.



Evecraider is an organization of space pirates who worship a forbidden Banu god named Frendagor, one of the companions of Cthulhu and other cosmic gods of chaos. Their desire is to eliminate both the Humans of the UEE and the Vanduuls, and then destroy what remains of the universe to rebuild it according to their desires.

They believe that Frendagor is the greatest of gods and that he created all existence. They worship him as if he were a real entity with his own will. They are led by a Queen named Meneldil, the High Priestess of their cult, also known as Meneldil Aruunda, which translates to ‘The Evil Queen’. Many assume that she has magical powers, and despite her racial hatred tendencies towards both humans and Vanduuls, she has gained fame among the pirates.

Their world, Bani, is far from most major trade routes. So they have a lot of time to devote to the worship of their god. Their sacred location is covered in debris, discarded parts, and broken statues of false idols they built to represent some false god. They believe it is not wrong to worship something that is not real because it gives them a path to focus on when they are unhappy or struggling with life’s problems. Their god does not care who worships him or what they are worshiping, as long as they fulfill his desire to destroy things and bring them back from nothing, again and again.

The creators of Evecraider were found as children by Banu devotees of Frendagor, abandoned in cryogenic pods on a drifting spaceship. Determined not to return them to the corrupt and atrocious society of humans, they took them in and instructed them under the Banu Frendagor code. They grew up meticulously examining both Banu and Human/Vanduul cultures, technologies, and principles, resulting in exceptional warriors, true weapons of destruction. As a result of their curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring the unknown, they discovered the atrocities committed and covered up by the UEE. The perversity in the universe had reached an irreversible point. There was nothing left to do but oppose everything and everyone.

As a consequence of their actions, they were dubbed “Pirates” and considered “Toxic”. Thus was born the Toxic Alliance, a pirate organization that causes chaos and destruction, performing sacrifices to awaken the Pirate God of Destruction, Frendagor.

Amidst the hypocrisy of a society that chooses to remain silent and omit the perversity of their race, the Toxic Alliance decided to oppose the brainwashing carried out by organizations that implant false morality and a false sense of justice to Citizens of the Stars. If you are tired of being treated as just another number, a pawn limited to senseless rules between hypocritical leaders, come and be free in Evecraider.