• Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Resources

EVIL- a synonym for Hello Kitty.


About us-

EVIL was founded while playing other games, most recently MWO and Payday 2. Our unit grew to about 25 members of which most will be joining us in the verse. We are looking for more players to help our pirate organization grow. Be sure to check out our manifesto and charter, if you are interested in joining us feel free to message us.

We are recruiting pilots and marines
Communications- Our discord channel, leave a msg or contact Redjack_d3- https://discord.gg/Ub3fYH7


ZireaeL- Super Hornet, Saber, MIS, F8

UberStuka- Crucible, Gladiator, 85X, 85X, 85X, Aurora LX

TurrPhennir- Orion, Starfarer Gemini, Hull D, Hull B, Vanguard Warden, Gladius, Aurora LX

Dark_Calamity*aka classified – Mustang Beta, Argo

Neput_Z34- Reclaimer, Aurora MR

Spartan Nitro- UNK

Argel-Tal- UNK

Redjack_d3- Saber Comet, Hornet Ghost, Mustang Alpha, secret party barge

Tal0s1- Saber, 325a


Skabe- Hornet Wildfire, Aurora MR

Firehawk21- Cutlass Black, Gladius

KineticPotato- UNK

Schwonk- UNK

12gage- UNK



Our goals-

Evil is a small network of players who’s primary focus is to exploit, steal, gank, raid, and scam, to amass credits and resources for personal gain.

KOS- We will most likely have a kill on sight policy, why because kill or be killed. We will use the kill on sight policy to our advantage by bringing in Reclamers to salvage the wrecks that we have caused. Boarding other ships might be a risky option as self destruct mechanics are in place. Basically we don’t care about looting cargo or creating ransoms….. just kill anything that moves and call in the Reclaimers.

Our Fleet goals- For every pilot to own at least one combat ship.

Escape pods- leave no survivors.


Gank, Gank, Gank

EVIL ranks, roles and titles-

All members of EVIL have an equal say in all matters, we are mostly just a bunch of completive drunks hanging out on TS anyways. We do have a rank system setup its just flair.

The rank system doesn’t mean much but we will have roles that members may volunteer for. The Roles are as follows-

Emperor- Has all access
Moff- Manages ranks and roles
Inquisitor- Manages applications and recruitment.
Bishop- Manages branding and advertising on RSI web site. (preferably someone good with photo and video editing skills)

Emperor and Moff roles will become limited as the organization grows. All members will be given the Inquisitor role to help recruit more pilots for the organization. Any member that would like to inquire about becoming a Bishop you are welcome to.

Unit Rules-

The only game play rule that we currently have is that every member own at least one combat single seater fighter ship for ganking purposes before the PU launches.

Organization unit coffers and taxes-

Although we do not currently know how the tax system will work we will not upfront require any of our members to pay a tax to unit coffers. All profits made as a unit will be split evenly among our members. If unit coffers are setup and you would like to see the org grow stronger or you are just space rich then feel free to donate. Any resources or credits donated to the organization will be invested back into its members.

Cool vids-

Epic Flight Crash…
Epic Noob Crash…

Useful Links-

User Config guide…
RSI forums TOS
Arena Commanders pilot guide…
EVIL logo…
Error Codes…
2.6 update equipment data…